- Bourne is a lightweight JSON de/serializer (C++11).
- Bourne is handy. First-class objects and most STL containers are auto serialized (SFINAE).
- Bourne is cross-platform. Builds on Windows/Linux/MacosX. Compiles on g++/clang/msvc.
- Bourne is tiny, self-contained, header-only.
- Bourne is zlib/libpng licensed.
standard template |
Supported? |
std::array |
no |
std::bitset |
no |
std::chrono |
no |
std::complex |
no |
std::deque |
yes |
std::forward_list |
no |
std::list |
yes |
std::map |
yes |
std::queue |
no |
std::set |
yes |
std::stack |
no |
std::string |
yes |
std::tuple |
yes |
std::unordered_map |
yes |
std::unordered_set |
yes |
std::vector |
yes |
std::wstring |
no |
namespace bourne {
// save, serialization
bool to_json( std::string &t, const T &t );
bool to_json( std::ostream &os, const T &t );
// load, deserialization
bool from_json( T &t, std::istream &is );
bool from_json( T &t, const std::string &s );
// syntax sugars
std::string to_json( const T &t );
T from_json( std::istream &is );
T from_json( const std::string &str );
- Bourne uses a relaxed JSON spec that allows de/serialization of associative keys of any kind.
- Therefore, if you plan to produce compliant JSON files then use strings as keys types in associative containers.
#include "bourne.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
struct phones {
std::string country;
std::vector<int> phonelist;
std::string details;
BOURNE_DEFINE( phones &it, (, it.phonelist, it.details) );
int main() {
// first-class objects are automatically serialized
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > contacts = {
{ "homer", {"marge", "lisa", "bart", "maggie" } },
{ "marge", {"homer", "lisa", "bart", "maggie" } },
{ "lisa", {"marge", "homer", "bart", "maggie" } },
{ "bart", {"marge", "lisa", "homer", "maggie" } },
{ "maggie", {"marge", "lisa", "bart", "homer" } }
}, built;
std::cout << bourne::to_json( contacts ) << std::endl;
// saving/loading showcase
std::string json = bourne::to_json( contacts );
bourne::from_json( built, json );
assert( built == contacts );
// custom objects require a thin BOURNE_DEFINE() wrapper
phones list = { "uk", {123,456}, "just a few contacts" };
std::cout << bourne::to_json( list ) << std::endl;
[ "uk", [ 123, 456 ], "just a few contacts" ]
- v1.0.1 (2015/06/01)
- Allow helper macros in header files
- v1.0.0 (2015/02/25)
- v0.0.0 (2013/07/15)