
A C++ string-based dispatch/routing library

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A header-only string based routing and dispatching C++ library.

It could be used to simplify parsing of line-based text input with one or more rules defined. The author's first target was routing HTTP requests in a REST service but it may find other uses.


#include <dispatch/dispatch.hpp>

using dispatch;
using dispatch::matchers::integer;
using dispatch::matchers::word;

// Single rule
auto r = rules::make_rule(matcher(word()) + ";" + word() + ";" + integer(),
                          [](auto first, auto last, auto age) {
                              // process entry...
r("John;Doe;42");   // Will call lambda with ("John", "Doe", 42)
r("Jane;Smith;24"); // Will call lambda with ("Jane", "Smith", 24)
r("Some bad text"); // Will not call lambda (and return false)

// Multiple dispatch
dispatcher d;
d.add(matcher("/user/") + integer(), [] (auto id) { /* ... */ });
d.add(matcher("/resource/") + word(), [] (auto name) { /* ... */ });
d.add(matcher("/foo/") + integer() + "/bar/" + word(),
              [] (auto id, auto name) { /* ... */ });

d("/user/1234");              // Will call lambda #1 with (1234)
d("/resource/john_doe");      // Will call lambda #2 with ("john_doe")
d("/foo/42/bar/jane_smith/"); // Will call lambda #3 with (42n "jane_smith")
d("/user/admin");             // Will not call any lambda (and return false)


cpp-dispatch is in its early development stage and a lot of features are still missing. For example:

  • More flexible matchers (digit count on integers, character count on words)
  • Non-binding regex matcher
  • Custom (user defined) matchers
  • Return values


The library requires C++ 14 and a few STL features from C++ 17. Tested compilers are:

  • Visual Studio 2017
  • Clang 3.8 (-std=c++1z)

An effort should be made in the future to make the library more portable and compatible with C++ 14 compliant compilers (by providing implementation of the necessary C++ 17 functions).

Building cpp-dispatch

The library is header only and has currently no dependency, so simply add the include/ directory to your include list and you should be all set.

Should you want to build and run the tests, simply run cmake to configure the build. This will require GTest:

  • Either set GTEST_DIR before calling CMake
  • Use Conan to fetch and setup it for you: conan install