
My SourceModPlugins for Left4Dead2

Primary LanguageSourcePawn


My personal L4D2 Dedicated Server plugin collections. Free to share.



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Plugins tested on:

os: Linux Dedicated Server
Version (left4dead2)
Network Version
Exe build: 00:10:37 Nov 18 2022 (8777) (550)
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Plugin info

Plugin Describes Extra info
(Must_Install) BasicEnvs Basic environments for plugins metamod
Left 4 DHooks Direct
other fixes
acs [L4D2] Improved Automatic Campaign Switcher (ACS) An improved version of ChrisP`s Automatic Campaign Switcher.
advertisements advertisements simple advertisements plugin
all4dead2 All 4 Dead 2 Enables admins to have control over the AI Director
and spawn all weapons, melee, items, special infected,
and Uncommon Infected without using sv_cheats 1
customvotes Custom Votes Redux Allows server owners to creates dynamic votes accessible
by players that run specified commands when passed.
hostname Host Name Auto change hostname with configued format
item_give Item Give Menu Allow admin use !give in chat or sm_give in console
to generate items without sv_cheats 1 .
l4d2_autoIS_extend_cn [L4D & L4D2] Auto Infected Spawner Manages its own system of automatic infected spawning
l4d2_automatic_weapons Automatic weapons Allows weapons to auto fire by just holding the attack button (M1)
l4d2_custom_commands [L4D-L4D2] New custom commands Allow admins to use new administrative or fun commands
l4d2_damage_sdkhooks [L4D2] Damage Mod (SDKHooks Ed.) Damage Multiplier Editor
l4d2_guncontrol [L4D2] Gun Control A plugin to manage some gun and ammo related things.
l4d2_incap_magnum [L4D2] Incapped Magnum Gives incapped players a magnum or dual pistols.
l4d2_infiniteammo [L4D2] Infinite Ammo Allows admins to toggle infinite ammo to players.
l4d2_kick_afk_player Kick AFK Player Allows admins to toggle whether to kick afk players after a moment.
l4d2_kill_counter [L4D & L4D2] Kill Counters Count kills of common or special Infected including Tank and witch
l4d2_laser [L4D2]Auto grab laser sight Make survivors can auto grab/remove laser sight
when pickup/drop primary weapon.
Support admin global toggle and individual player toggle.
l4d2_lethal [L4D2] Lethal Weapon (Charge Shot) If you equip sniper rifle, You can shoot chargeshot
that causes huge explosion and burning.
l4d2_meleemod L4D2 Melee Weapons Mod add ammo system in melee Weapons and modify
swing rate ,Melee weapon fatigue, change the gameplay of melee weapons
l4d2_more_item More Item supply Set items pickup count based on players in game.
Only make the simplified Chinese version.
Might add translation support later.
l4d2_reload_rate Reload rate modifier Modify all gun weapons reload rate and the animation of
reloading is also modified.
l4d2_satellite_cn [L4D2] Satellite Cannon Three kind of vertical laser launches by shooting magnum.
Switch mode by pushing zoom key.
l4d2_sb_fix [L4D2] Survivor Bot Fix / Improved Improve / Fix the Survivor Bots
l4d2_survivor_health Reward survivor health Reward survivor's health who kills Special infected, witch or tank
and it can exceed 100 HP. The author only develop simplified Chinese version.
l4d2_ty_saveweapons Save Weapon (Co-op) Improved Fixed bug with saving weapons in l4d2 coop if more than 4 players.
l4d2_upgradepackfix [L4D2] Upgrade packs BUG FIX Fix bug with weapon upgrade pack on servers more than 8 players.
l4dcsm_c [L4D/L4D2] Character Select Menu Allows players to change their character or model in-game!
l4dmultislots [L4D(2)] MultiSlots Improved Modify version of multislots
l4d_dissolve_infected [L4D & L4D2] Dissolve Infected Dissolves the witch, common or special infected when killed.
l4d_gear_transfer [L4D & L4D2] Gear Transfer (2.29) Allows items (molotov,pipebomb,vomitjar,defibrillator,first aid,
explosive & incendiary rounds) to be transferred.
Bots can auto give/grab items.
l4d_infected_hp [L4D/L4D2] Infected Health Gauge Infected's Health gauge is displayed.
l4d_info_editor [L4D & L4D2] Mission and Weapons - Info Editor Modify gamemodes.txt and weapons.txt values by
config instead of conflicting VPK files.
l4d_kill [L4D] Use !kill command in chat Use !zs command in chat to kill yourself
l4d_sm_respawn [L4D & L4D2] SM Respawn command Respawns dead Survivors and teleports them where you aim
l4d_vote_manager [L4D2] Vote Manager 3 A rewritten vote manager like madcap's original version
LMC_Black_and_White_Notifier [L4D2]LMC_Black_and_White_Notifier Notifies selected team(s) when someone is on final strike.
M60_GrenadeLauncher_patch [L4D2]M60_GrenadeLauncher_patches Allows M60 and Grenade Launcher to function as any other weapon.
Not dropping on empty and picking up ammo to refill.
mutant_tanks [L4D & L4D2] Mutant Tanks Mutant Tanks enhances the fun and excitement players get from Tank fights
by creating a unique experience with every Tank.
no_friendly-fire [L4D & L4D2] No Friendly-fire Disables friendly fire.
PlayerAddCountryTag [L4D2] Add Player Country to Name Add a players location to the end of there name, shows connection messages
and indicated wether a user is an admin.
showdamage Show Damage (1.0.7) Shows your damage in the center of the screen.
sm_autocb [L4D2] Auto Commonboost Allows to do commonboost easier.
sm_bhop [L4D2] Auto Bunnyhop Allows jump easier while player hold a jump button.
sm_did [L4D] Damage Info Display Damage summary display
sm_l4dvs_mapchanger Auto map changer Auto switch to next official campaign in finales or switch to next map
after finale of 3rd party campaigns
StuckZombieMeleeFix [L4D & L4D2] Stuck Zombie Melee Fix Smash nonstaggering Zombies!
WelcomeInfo Welcome info Welcome or Team change notification with SteamID, Country, City, IP.