
immersive XR experience that simulates the art of photography

Project 1 Proposal: XR Carnival

Short Title:

InstaMuse: a Virtual Photography Studio

Amber Wu

Project Description:

The "InstaMuse" is an immersive XR experience that simulates the art of photography, introducing users to different lighting techniques such as butterfly lighting. Through Unity's rich 3D modeling capabilities, users can experiment with adjusting the angles of the 3D model (representing the 'model') and observe the differences in resultant photos. This project aims to educate aspiring photographers about the nuances of lighting, camera angles, and how subtle changes can dramatically alter the outcome.

Feature Breakdown:

Feature Description Challenge
Lighting Adjustments Users can switch between various lighting setups (like butterfly, split, or loop lighting). 4
3D Model Pose Controls Users can adjust the pose and orientation of the 3D model, simulating real-life model direction. 4
Photo Capture Users can 'click' a photo and see how the selected lighting and model pose turn out in a snapshot. 3


  1. By 10/9 - Set up the basic XR environment, implement teleportation, and acquire essential 3D assets.
  2. By 10/15 - Develop the lighting adjustment feature and integrate basic model posing functionalities.
  3. By 10/22 - Incorporate photo capture feature, finalize the user interface, and optimize user experience.


  1. User enters the XR space, finding themselves in a virtual studio.
  2. A tutorial briefly introduces them to controls: changing lights, adjusting the model, capturing photos
  3. User experiments with various lights, observing changes on the model.
  4. User adjusts the model's pose, orientation, and then captures a photo.
  5. Users can review their shots, compare them, and even share or save them.

butterfly lighting


  1. Magic Hour VR - An innovative VR application that teaches photography basics in a virtual environment. Link: Magic Hour.
  2. Blender - While not an XR application, Blender's 3D modeling and lighting tools offer profound insights into the effect of different lights on models. Blender's Official Website