
Official website for St. Jude CAB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

St. Jude Center for Applied Bioinformatics(CAB)

Our website is based on jekyll

If you use conda, these will help you start build for your own

git clone https://github.com/**yourid**/stjudecab.github.io
#conda create -n iobuild python=3.8 ruby=2.6.3
#conda activate iobuild
conda env create -f .condaenv.yml -n iobuild
export CONDA_BUILD=1
conda activate iobuild
gem install bundle
bundle install
#local debug, would rebuild automatically everytime you changed a file
yourip=$(hostname -I | awk '{printf $1}')
bundle exec jekyll serve --host $yourip --port 5050 --livereload
#after confirmation of the changes you want
bundle exec jekyll build
git commit "update" && git push
sh script/deploy
#Note it might take a few minutes for github.io to update, be patient

The website is deployed using GitHub Pages and the source code is available on GitHub. Please feel free to reuse this code (making sure to cite the Maruan, Sanders, Bedford and Drummond lab as the original sources of the lab website template).