
Hackintosh guide for the Acer E15 series E5-575G-55KK laptop


Hackintosh guide for the Acer E15 series E5-575G-55KK laptop on Mojave 10.14

Main Specs:

  • Intel i5-7200u
  • IGPU: Intel HD 620
    • DGPU: Nvidia 940mx 2GB (disabled)
  • Realtek ALC255 (layout 3)
  • I2C touchpad when "Advanced" touchpad selected in BIOS


Important! Use the original Clover bootloader from https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloverefiboot/ when following this laptop guide for UEFI.

Follow the guide in order to create the bootable USB. For reference, the kexts I started off for the installation are as follows:


Use config_HD615_620_630_640_650.plist from the guide (rename to config.plist). I recommend using Clover Configurator if/when making changes to a .plist.

Follow these guides after installation

Patching DSDT/SSDTs

Disabling the Nvidia 940MX

Brightness control

Touchpad I2C

Fixing audio

Note: Use Layout 3 for any audio related patching, and simply inject in .plist (in Clover Configurator) when ready. There may or may not be HDMI audio since the dedicated GPU was disabled

Audio w/ AppleALC kext

To fix the garbled/warped audio through headphones, install CodecCommander kext and create a new file in MaciASL named SSDT-ALC255.aml in /EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched containing:

// Credit to insanelydeepak
// CodecCommander configuration for ALC255 to fix various issue 
// repo: https://github.com/insanelydeepak/cloverHDA-for-Mac-OS-Sierra-10.12

DefinitionBlock ("", "SSDT", 1, "hack", "_ALC255", 0)
 External(_SB.PCI0.HDEF, DeviceObj)
 Name(_SB.PCI0.HDEF.RMCF, Package()
     "CodecCommander", Package()
         "Custom Commands", Package()
             Package(){}, // signifies Array instead of Dictionary
                 // 0x19 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x24
                 "Command", Buffer() { 0x01, 0x97, 0x07, 0x24 },
                 "On Init", ">y",
                 "On Sleep", ">n",
                 "On Wake", ">y",
                 // 0x1A SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20
                 "Command", Buffer() { 0x01, 0xA7, 0x07, 0x20 },
                 "On Init", ">y",
                 "On Sleep", ">n",
                 "On Wake", ">y",
                 // 0x21 SET_UNSOLICITED_ENABLE 0x83
                 "Command", Buffer() { 0x02, 0x17, 0x08, 0x83 },
                 "On Init", ">y",
                 "On Sleep", ">n",
                 "On Wake", ">y",
         "Perform Reset", ">n",
         "Perform Reset on External Wake", ">n", // enabled since using AppleALC
         "Send Delay", 10,
         "Sleep Nodes", ">n",


The default Qualcomm WiFI card in M.2 format is incompatible with OSX, so you must replace the card if you would like to use WiFi/Bluetooth.

I am currently waiting for my new wifi card to arrive (BCM94350ZAE, aka DW1820A), but you may like to try the Broadcom Wifi/BT guide with one of the supported chips.

Edit 7/24/19

https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/11322-broadcom-bcm4350-cards-under-high-sierramojave/ I have tried both the CN-0VW3T3 and the CN-08PKF4 model BCM94350ZAE cards, with the latter working OOTB despite all the posts about it being problematic. The CN-0VW3T3 worked fine with AirportBrcmFixup.kext but I am stil trying to get bluetooth recognized. YMMV

Edit 10/3/19 Random freezes seem to be caused by any of the BCM94350ZAE cards (which seem to be "fake") so I no longer recommend them. If buying the CN-0VW3T3 MAKE SURE the seller sells the correct device ID (check reviews).


Please report any issues/things missing or possible improvements to the guide and I will try my best to fix them ASAP.

Carefully read the attached guides and Rehabman's Laptop FAQ if you encounter any problems.

Thanks to:

People of the TonyMacx86 forum
me for making this guide