This is the test code for our TCSVT paper "Video Compressed Sensing Using a Convolutional Neural Network". @article{Shi2021Video, author={Wuzhen, Shi and Shaohui, Liu and Feng, Jiang and Debin, Zhao}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology}, title={Video Compressed Sensing Using a Convolutional Neural Network}, year={2021}, volume={31}, number={2}, pages={425-438}, doi={10.1109/TCSVT.2020.2978703}} To use this code, do the following: 1, Install the MatconvNet 2, Copy the folder "myLayers" to the MatConvNet installation directory. 3, add the code "addpath(fullfile(root, 'myLayers')) ;" in the file "vl_setupnn.m". 4, Copy these functions in the folder "Dagnn" into the folder "+dagnn" of the MatConvNet. 5, Run the file test_VCSNet.m to obtain the results with two reference frames.
This is the test code for our TCSVT paper "Video Compressed Sensing Using a Convolutional Neural Network".