An group of HTTP clients with explicit behavior & error handling.
Environment | Package |
web | @lylajs/web |
toutiao miniprogram | @lylajs/tt |
weixin miniprogram | @lylajs/wx |
qq miniprogram | @lylajs/qq |
zhifubao miniprogram | @lylajs/my |
web (okay) + nodejs (wip) | lyla |
English · 中文
- Won't share options between different instances, which means your reqeust won't be unexpectedly modified.
- Won't transform response body implicitly (For example transform invalid JSON to string).
- Won't suppress expection silently (JSON parse error, config error, eg.).
- Explicit error handling.
- Supports typescript for response data.
- Supports upload progress (which isn't supported by fetch API).
- Friendly error tracing (with sync trace, you can see where the request is sent on error).
- Access typed custom context object in the whole process.
For difference compared with other libs, see FAQ.
# you can install `lyla` or `@lylajs/xxx`
npm i @lylajs/web # for npm
pnpm i @lylajs/web # for pnpm
yarn add @lylajs/web # for yarn
import { createLyla } from '@lylajs/web'
// For request which need default options, hooks or custom context info,
// it's recommended using `createLyla` to create lyla instance.
// If you only need the simplest usage, you can use
// import { lyla } from '@lylajs/web'
const { lyla } = createLyla({ context: null })
const { json } = await'', {
json: { foo: 'bar' }
// TypeScript
type MyType = {}
// `json`'s type is `MyType`
const { json } = await<MyType>('', {
json: { foo: 'bar' }
function createLyla<C>(
options: LylaRequestOptions & { context: C },
...overrides: LylaRequestOptions[]
): { lyla: Lyla; isLylaError: (e: unknown) => e is LylaError }
type LylaRequestOptions<C = {}> = {
url?: string
| 'get'
| 'GET'
| 'post'
| 'POST'
| 'put'
| 'PUT'
| 'patch'
| 'head'
| 'HEAD'
| 'delete'
| 'options'
timeout?: number
* True when credentials are to be included in a cross-origin request.
* False when they are to be excluded in a cross-origin request and when
* cookies are to be ignored in its response.
withCredentials?: boolean
headers?: LylaRequestHeaders
* Type of `response.body`.
responseType?: 'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'text'
body?: XMLHttpRequestBodyInit
* JSON value to be written into the request body. It can't be used with
* `body`.
json?: any
query?: Record<string, string | number>
baseUrl?: string
* Abort signal of the request.
signal?: AbortSignal
onUploadProgress?: (progress: LylaProgress) => void
onDownloadProgress?: (progress: LylaProgress) => void
hooks?: {
* Callbacks fired when options is passed into the request. In this moment,
* request options haven't be normalized.
onInit?: Array<
options: LylaRequestOptions
) => LylaRequestOptions | Promise<LylaRequestOptions>
* Callbacks fired before request is sent. In this moment, request options is
* normalized.
onBeforeRequest?: Array<
options: LylaRequestOptions
) => LylaRequestOptions | Promise<LylaRequestOptions>
* Callbacks fired after response is received.
onAfterResponse?: Array<
response: LylaResponse<any>,
reject: (reason: unknown) => void
) => LylaResponse<any> | Promise<LylaResponse<any>>
* Callbacks fired when there's error while response handling. It's only
* fired by LylaError. Error thrown by user won't triggered the callback,
* for example if user throws an error in `onAfterResponse` hook. The
* callback won't be fired.
onResponseError?: Array<
(error: LylaResponseError<C, M>, reject: (reason: unknown) => void) => void
* Callbacks fired when a non-response error occurs (except BROKEN_ON_NON_RESPONSE_ERROR)
onNonResponseError?: Array<
(error: LylaNonResponseError<C, M>) => void | Promise<void>
* Custom context of the request
context?: C
type LylaResponse<T = any, C = {}> = {
requestOptions: LylaRequestOptions
status: number
statusText: string
* Headers of the response. All the keys are in lower case.
headers: Record<string, string>
* Response body.
body: PlatformRelevant
* JSON value of the response. If body is not valid JSON text, access the
* field will cause an error.
json: T
* Custom context of the request
context?: C
type LylaProgress = {
* Percentage of the progress. From 0 to 100.
percent: number
* Loaded bytes of the progress.
loaded: number
* Total bytes of the progress. If progress is not length-computable it would
* be 0.
total: number
* Whether the total bytes of the progress is computable.
lengthComputable: boolean
type LylaRequestHeaders = Record<string, string | number | undefined>
Request headers can be string
, number
or undefined
. If it's undefined
it would override default options' headers. For example:
import { createLyla } from '@lylajs/web'
const { lyla } = createLyla({ headers: { foo: 'bar' }, context: null })
// Request won't have the `foo` header
request.get('', { headers: { foo: undefined } })
import { createLyla, LYLA_ERROR } from '@lylajs/web'
const { lyla, isLylaError } = createLyla({ context: null })
try {
const { json } = await lyla.get('')
// ...
} catch (e) {
if (isLylaError(e)) {
// ...
} else {
// ...
// This is not a percise definition, it platform relavant. For full definition,
// see
type LylaError<C = {}> = {
name: string
message: string
// LylaError's corresponding original error. Normally it's useless, only
// invalid JSON will set this field. In most time, you may need `detail` field.
error: Error | undefined
detail: PlatformRelevant // Fail info generated by specific platform
response: PlatformRelevant // Like LylaResponse | undefined
// Custom context of the request
context: C
export enum LYLA_ERROR {
* Request encountered an error, fired by XHR `onerror` event. It doesn't mean
* your network has error, for example CORS error also triggers NETWORK_ERROR.
* Request is aborted.
* Response text is not valid JSON.
* Trying resolving `response.json` with `responseType='arraybuffer'` or
* `responseType='blob'`.
* Request timeout.
* HTTP status error.
* Request `options` is not valid. It's not a response error.
* `onAfterResponse` hook throws error.
* `onBeforeRequest` hook throws error.
* `onInit` hook throws error.
* `onResponseError` hook throws error.
* `onNonResponseError` hook throws error.
import { createLyla } from '@lylajs/web'
const { lyla } = createLyla({
context: null,
hooks: {
onResponseError(error) {
switch error.type {
// ...
onNonResponseError(error) {
switch error.type {
// ...
You can use native AbortController
or LylaAbortController
to abort requests.
Please note that LylaAbortController
doesn't polyfill all APIs of
import { createLyla, LylaAbortController } from '@lylajs/web'
const controller = new LylaAbortController()
const { lyla } = createLyla({ context: null })
lyla.get('url', {
signal: controller.signal
You can access a context object in hooks, responses & errors.
const { lyla, isLylaError } = createLyla({
context: {
startTime: -1,
endTime: -1,
duration: -1
hooks: {
onInit: [
(options) => {
options.context.startTime =
return options
onResponseError: [
(options) => {
options.context.endTime =
options.context.duration =
options.context.endTime - options.context.startTime
return options
onAfterResponse: [
(options) => {
options.context.endTime =
options.context.duration =
options.context.endTime - options.context.startTime
return options
lyla.get('/foo').then((response) => {
- Why not axios?
will be applied to all axios instances created byaxios.create
, which means your code may be influenced unexpectedly by others. The behavior can't be changed by any options.axios.defaults
is a global singleton, which means you can't get a clean copy of it. Since your code may run after than others' code that modifies it.- axios will transform invalid JSON to string sliently by default.
- axios can't access an typed context object in request processes.
- Why not ky?
- ky is based on fetch, it can't support upload progress.
- ky's Response data type can't be typed.
- ky can't access an typed context object in request processes.