This action uploads artifacts (.apk or .ipa) to Firebase App Distribution.
Pinned issues
- 1
#138 opened by yauhenuzum - 6
- 13
- 3
- 4
How to get TESTING_URI ?
#141 opened by faruk0344 - 4
HTTP Error: 400, Request contains an invalid argument
#102 opened by askirk - 10
Error: failed to upload release. HTTP Error: 403, The caller does not have permission
#95 opened by sirkev - 4
Failed to upload release
#136 opened by GnuaAruht - 0
- 2
Unable to parse JSON uploading apk
#134 opened by rvanderlinden - 2
failed to upload timed out after 300000ms
#135 opened by IzumiShaka-desu - 0
Could not resolve project :' ' in build deploy
#133 opened by MaytronicsIT - 4
- 2
- 1
Failed to upload the multiple apk's
#132 opened by Jatin9098 - 1
./gradlew assembleRelease permission denied
#124 opened by ikntechno - 1
can i use it in azure-pipelines
#129 opened by ahmed-khaled-z - 2
Fastlane Automated Tests
#131 opened by FDuhen - 3
Package tries to upload .IPA instead of .APK
#126 opened by buchion - 0
How to cleanup/delete uploaded distributions?
#127 opened by adipascu - 1
Error: failed to upload release. HTTP Error: 400, Precondition check failed.
#125 opened by SachinCodeMatrix - 2
Error: Docker build failed with exit code 1
#122 opened by m-veselov - 1
mutitple groups for firebase distribution
#119 opened by nunonam - 1
[hepl wanted] Mac hosted
#80 opened by mvn-tony-hn - 3
./Gradlew: No such file or directory
#103 opened by baimamboukar - 1
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Can we have the output data?
#85 opened by minhchienwikipedia - 1
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Build version increment?
#113 opened by arowierzbowskispoton - 2
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File app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk does not exist: verify that file points to a binary
#92 opened by trancongdung12 - 0
Error: failed to determine AAB info
#112 opened by iamMehedi - 1
- 5
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Failing Upload does not cause action to fail.
#109 opened by CI-Till-Krempel - 4
"Firebase App Distribution Admin" role is missing
#99 opened by raxden - 2
Error: failed to upload release. HTTP Error: 400, Request contains an invalid argument.
#89 opened by Alex-Faraday - 1
error: unknown option '-E'
#100 opened by armanso - 2
Action is only supported on Linux
#97 opened by mikezamayias - 2
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- 1
Failed to upload release. HTTP Error: 403, The caller does not have permission
#91 opened by amitash-217 - 2
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Docker build fails
#83 opened by kmarrip - 1
Hi @mateuszkwiecinski We are also getting the same error but on the Ionic project. Can you help??
#82 opened by jmd9019 - 2
Wildcard in file path?
#79 opened by roberto-corchero-jt - 3
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Error: failed to distribute to testers/groups: HTTP Error: 404, Requested entity was not found.
#75 opened by iamkdblue - 3