
Example of recitation in R for 15.071x class at MIT (The Analytics Edge)

Primary LanguageR

Operating Room Scheduling: Making Hospitals Run Smoothly

Example of recitation in R for 15.071x class at MIT (The Analytics Edge).

This recitation discusses the problem that hospitals have a limited number of operation rooms and their utilization is very important. Operating room managers must determine a weekly schedule assigning ORs to different departments in the hospital.

We design a binary optimization problem that models a typical assigning problem given a number of practical constraints. The problem is fully described in the presentation file Recitation9.pptx

We solve this optimization problem using MS Excel Solver and R (with lpSolveAPI).

Credit: The Analytics Edge team: John Silberholz, Allison O'Hair, Iain Dunning. (Presentation and MS Excel Solver code)