
This is an assignment

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This is an assignment, here is the spec

Coding challenge ===Sample application requirements

Develop a Photo Album app.

  1. Use a list layout in portrait mode and grid layout in landscape mode. ListItem layout should have an image on the left side and image Name/Title next to it. GridItem layout should display image name/title below its the image.
  2. When user clicks on an image in the list or a grid, an application will display details about image in separate screen. Details include Title and description.
  3. Application will maintain aspect ratio of the image.
  4. The image metadata can be downloaded at https://s3.amazonaws.com/sc.va.util.weatherbug.com/interviewdata/mobilecodingchallenge/sampledata.json Following is example of data { title: "amazing beautiful beauty blue jpg", description: "amazing beautiful beauty blue.jpg", filename: "amazing-beautiful-beauty-blue.jpg" } Images can be downloaded using following URL https://s3.amazonaws.com/sc.va.util.weatherbug.com/interviewdata/mobilecodingchallenge/[filename]
  • We are leaving out Layout specification like width, height for list and Grid items. You can use your own judgement to make the layout presentable. UI will be evaluated based on material design guide lines.
  • The application should be production ready code. The application will be evaluated for reliability, efficiency, resource utilization and scalability of the code.
  • We1ll also evaluate it to gauge your understanding of best practices, design patterns and coding style.
  • Use components from latest android versions to showcase your knowledge about Android.

-----------------------------Feedback----------------------------------------------------------------- You code was functional. If I were to compare your code with what other candidates have submitted…. It would have been nice to see code architected using latest from architecture components. Naming scheme for classes was little confusing.