Please edit /etc/cryptsetup/2fa/2fa.conf 1. Modify this line as your partname declare -A sda4_crypt sda4_crypt["methods"]="tpm2-keypair,yubikey-challenge" 1. TPM2 keypair support. sda4_crypt["tpm2-keypair-pin"]="12345" sda4_crypt["tpm2-keypair-luksslot"]=1 2. Yubikey challenge support. sda4_crypt["yubikey-challenge-luksslot"]=2 sda4_crypt["yubikey-challenge-ykslot"]=2 sda4_crypt["yubikey-challenge-pass"]="123456" 3. run ykpersonalize -YKSLOT -ochal-resp -ochal-hmac -ohmac-lt64 -oserial-api-visible cryptsetup-2fa-enroll sda4_crypt and/or for any other devices 4. Delete the pin/pass in /etc/cryptsetup/2fa/2fa.conf 5. add the options initramfs,keyscript=/usr/lib/cryptsetup/2fa/keyscript into /etc/crypttab 5. Update initramfs update-initramfs -u -k all systemctl daemon-reload How it works 1. TPM2-keypair 1.1 Generates a keypair in /etc/cryptsetup/2fa: primary.ctx, key.priv, 1.2 Get 64byte random, and store them in /etc/cryptsetup/2fa ${target}.plain 1.2 Read a pin and calc the sha256sum, cut the first 16 bytes as IV of AES. ${target}.hpin 1.3 Encrypt ${target}.plain to ${target}.enc 1.4 Remove ${target}.plain and ${target}.hpin 2. Yubikey-challenge Challenge the Yubikey with sha256sum of the PIN. How keyscript works 1. The start script of cryptsetup will call it with some env set, include CRYPTTAB_SOURCE=sda4_crypt See crypttab(5) for more details. 2. It will use /run/cryptsetup/2fa.log as a flag file. 3. Try yubikey first. if tried, just RETURN; if success, print the passphrase, and EXIT; If fail, RETURN. Anyway, echo a mark to /run/cryptsetup/2fa.log In fact 2 tries: if the PIN in 2fa.conf is incorrect. It is useful, if you have 2 yubikey, one is for password-less and one is password-needed. 3. Try TPM2,then if tried, just RETURN; if success, print the passphrase, and EXIT; If fail, RETURN. 4. If All of them fail, ASK for a normal LUKS password. TIPS: How to encrypt /boot parition. 1. umount /boot/efi 2. cp -r /boot /root/boot-bak 3. umount /boot 4. cryptsetup close sda2_crypt # Change it if needed 5. cryptsetup luksFormat --pbkdf pbkdf2 /dev/sda2 6. cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 sda2_crypt 7. mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/sda2_crypt 8. modify /etc/fstab 9. modify /etc/crypttab, add line like echo sda2_crypt UUID=XXXXXXXXXXXX none luks,discard 10. systemctl daemon-reload 11. cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 sda2_crypt 12. mount /boot 13. mount /boot/efi 14. add GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y to /etc/default/grub 15. cp -r /root/boot-bak/* /boot 16. grub-install 17. update-grub