
A docker registry proxy run on cloudflare worker.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



创建api token:
选择 -> "编辑 Cloudflare Workers" -> "使用模板" 记录好生成token
github action 配置:
settings->"secrets and variables"->Actions->"New repository secret" 添加如下变量:
CF_API_TOKEN = your token 就是上面生成的token
CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID = your account id 就是cloudflare的account id

点击actions 激活github action 自动构建部署
然后修改src/index.js 修改routes 配置 提交到github 会自动构建部署到cloudflare workers
cloudflare workers 域名设置 设置->触发器->添加自定义域 把所以域名添加到自定义域就可以了
${workername}.${username}.workers.dev 返回的routes json
cf 优选ip https://github.com/XIU2/CloudflareSpeedTest

Config tutorial

  1. use cloudflare worker host: only support proxy one registry
    const routes = {
      "${workername}.${username}.workers.dev/": "https://registry-1.docker.io",
  2. use custom domain: support proxy multiple registries route by host
    • host your domain DNS on cloudflare
    • add A record of xxx.example.com to
    • deploy this project to cloudflare workers
    • add xxx.example.com/* to HTTP routes of workers
    • add more records and modify the config as you need
    const routes = {
      "docker.tycng.com": "https://registry-1.docker.io",
      "quay.tycng.com": "https://quay.io",
      "gcr.tycng.com": "https://k8s.gcr.io",
      "k8s-gcr.tycng.com": "https://k8s.gcr.io",
      "ghcr.tycng.com": "https://ghcr.io",