Enable requests served by caddy for distributed tracing via The OpenTracing Project.
First, write a configuration for the tracer used. Below's an example of what a Jaeger configuration might look like:
auto_https off
http_port 80
https_port 443
:80 {
route /* {
opentracing {
# Can be provided by FromEnv() via the environment variable named JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME
service_name hello #default caddy
# Value can be provided by FromEnv() via the environment variable named JAEGER_DISABLED.
# Value can be provided by FromEnv() via the environment variable named JAEGER_RPC_METRICS
# Gen128Bit instructs the tracer to generate 128-bit wide trace IDs, compatible with W3C Trace Context.
# See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go/config#ReporterConfig
reporter {
local_agent_host_port localhost:6831
queue_size 1
# See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go/config#SamplerConfig
sampler {
type const
# ...
reverse_proxy https://baidu.com
# curl localhost:80/abc/pub/example/imap-console-client.png