Source Code For Scala Tutorials From
The Scala programming language is rapidly growing in popularity! Sadly, most of the online tutorials do not provide a step-by-step guide :(
At, we provide a complete beginner's tutorial to help you learn Scala in small, simple and easy steps.
- Tutorials are organized such that they allow you to learn gradually.
- Tutorials are written by taking into account the complete beginner.
- Tutorials will make you proficient with the same professional tools used by the Scala experts.
- Code snippets for Learn Spark
- For additional details, please visit
The examples below are the source code for Spark Tutorials from
- DataFrame Introduction
- Create a DataFrame from reading a CSV file
- DataFrame schema
- Select columns from a dataframe
- Filter by column value of a dataframe
- Count rows of a dataframe
- SQL like query
- Multiple filter chaining
- SQL IN clause
- SQL Group By
- SQL Group By with filter
- SQL order by
- Cast columns to specific data type
- Operate on a filtered dataframe
- DataFrame Join
- Join and select columns
- Join on explicit columns
- Inner Join
- Left Outer Join
- Right Outer Join
- Distinct
- Spark SQL Introduction
- Register temp table from dataframe
- List all tables in Spark's catalog
- List catalog tables using Spark SQL
- Select columns
- Filter by column value
- Count number of rows
- SQL like
- SQL where with and clause
- SQL IN clause
- SQL Group By
- SQL Group By with having clause
- SQL Order by
- Typed columns, filter and create temp table
- SQL Inner Join
- SQL Left Outer Join
- SQL Right Outer Join
- SQL Distinct
- Register User Defined Function (UDF)
- DataFrame Statistics Introduction
- Create DataFrame from CSV
- Average
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Mean
- Sum
- Group by query with statistics
- DataFrame Statistics using describe() method
- Correlation
- Covariance
- Frequent Items
- Crosstab
- Stratified sampling using sampleBy
- Approximate Quantile
- Bloom Filter
- Count Min Sketch
- Sampling With Replacement
- DataFrame Operations Introduction
- Setup DataFrames
- Convert DataFrame row to Scala case class
- DataFrame row to Scala case class using map()
- Create DataFrame from collection
- DataFrame Union
- DataFrame Intersection
- Append column to DataFrame using withColumn()
Stay in touch via Facebook and Twitter for upcoming tutorials!
Nadim Bahadoor at
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