
Demo project that shows how to use the memcard pro command set

Primary LanguageC++Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


This minimal setup demonstrates how to configure the PSX pad SPI registers to send arbitrary commands. It then sends some MemcardPro commands that change the active memory card on it.



	Install docker
	Whitelist this folder *
	Run the .bat

	If you don't have this option, you're using an up to date version of Win10 and can skip step 2!
	* Settings (icon) -> Resources -> File Sharing -> Little blue (+) icon -> add the folder


	Install this: https://www.docker.com/

	Goto Settings | Resources | File Sharing, and add this folder

	Run buildme.bat to build.

	Docker will do a one-time download of the build image (see intro) and then do the thing.


    Here's the official spec for game ID transmission.
    It applies to both PS1Digital and MCPro.
