
Just Benchmarking Topic Models :)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Command Line Interface for benchmarking topic models.

The package contains catalogue registries for all models, datasets and metrics for model evaluation, along with scripts for producing tables and figures for the S3 paper.



You can install the package from PyPI.

pip install topic-benchmark



Run the benchmark using a given embedding model. Runs can be resumed if they get obruptly stopped from the results file.

python3 -m topic_benchmark run -e "embedding_model_name"
argument description type default
--encoder_model (-e) The encoder model to use for the benchmark. str "all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
--out_file (-o) The output path of the benchmark results. By default it will be under results/{encoder_model}.jsonl str None


Creates a latex table of the results of the benchmark.

python3 -m topic_benchmark table -o results.tex
argument description type default
results_folder The folder where all result files are located. str "results/"
--out_file (-o) The output path of the benchmark results. By default, results will be printed to stdout. str None

Reproducing $S^3$ paper results

Result files to all runs in the $S^3$ publication can be found in the results/ folder in the repository. To reproduce the results reported in our paper, please do the following.

First, install this package by running the following command:

pip install topic-benchmark

Then, reproduce results for all the embedding models tested in the paper by running the following CLI commands:

python3 -m topic_benchmark run -e all-Mini-L6-v2
python3 -m topic_benchmark run -e all-mpnet-base-v2
python3 -m topic_benchmark run -e average_word_embeddings_glove.6B.300d
python3 -m topic_benchmark run -e intfloat/e5-large-v2

The results for each embedding model will be found in the results folder (unless a value for --out_file is explicitly passed).

To produce figures and tables in the paper, you can use the scripts in the s3_paper_scripts/ folder.

pip install -r s3_paper_scripts/requirements.txt

# Table 3: Main Table (tables/main_table.tex)
python3 s3_paper_scripts/main_table.py

# Figure 2: Preprocessing effects (figures/effect_of_preprocessing.png)
python3 s3_paper_scripts/effect_of_preprocessing.py

# Figure 3: Stop word frequency in topic descriptions (figures/stop_freq.png)
python3 s3_paper_scripts/stop_words_figure.py

# Table 4: Average percentage runtime difference from S^3 (tables/speed.tex)
python3 s3_paper_scripts/speed.py

# Table 5: Topics in ArXiv ML (tables/arxiv_ml_topics.tex)
# Figure 4: Compass of Concepts in ArXiv ML (figures/arxiv_ml_map.png)
python3 s3_paper_scripts/arxiv_ml_compass.py

#### APPENDIX ####

# Table 6: NPMI Coherence of topics (tables/npmi_table.tex)
python3 s3_paper_scripts/npmi_table.py

# Figures 5-9: Disaggregated results (figures/disaggregated_{metric_name}.png)
python3 s3_paper_scripts/disaggregated_results_figures.py