- 3
Status of project
#208 opened by 1buran - 1
Migration guide || equivalents of inserted/...?
#206 opened by Janiczek - 0
lit-element? I'm confused :/
#205 opened by coderofsalvation - 2
package.json needs to be updated
#203 opened by PioArchiver - 4
#198 opened - 2
- 0
Issues @
#201 opened by Enteleform - 3
XTagElement is not defined
#200 opened by pws019 - 4
- 4
V1 lifecycle compatibility
#196 opened - 6
- 3
include information about ie9 -ie11 compat
#191 opened - 3
Ability to define placeholder for inner HTML
#193 opened by mkopylec - 0
template attr from last commit
#189 opened - 0
v2 docs Pseudos versus Jasmine tests
#190 opened - 0
experimenting with type renders
#192 opened - 0
Issue with mixing when extending custom element
#169 opened by pinguxx - 3
Using setAttribute is unstable
#187 opened - 1
- 3
Render() Recursion Error
#182 opened - 4
enhancement question
#184 opened - 33
this.innerHTML in V2 throws recursion error.
#183 opened - 2
- 5
this.outerHTML is undefined
#185 opened - 2
Not working on Safari iOS
#179 opened by l1354524 - 1
- 1
Unable to extend Custom Elements
#175 opened by maikelmclauflin - 1
bug with delegate events in IE11
#177 opened by mutex12 - 1
TS type definitions
#174 opened by Istar-Eldritch - 1
- 2
Cannot assign to read only property 'currentTarget' of object '#<MouseEvent>'
#171 opened by WeijianXu - 3
- 2
How to create custom sub-elements the right way
#167 opened by obihill - 5
Reflection fails when using "attribute.value"
#162 opened by Aurelain - 4
#166 opened by positlabs - 5
Demo: Poor Scrolling UX on Mobile
#159 opened by jpdevries - 14
Can't extend from custom element
#156 opened by admosity - 1
Class based xtag
#144 opened by xooxdoo - 5
- 4
Can't use `WebReflection/document-register-element` polyfill with non-extending tags after 1.5.7 upgrade
#153 opened by ramybenaroya - 6
Version 1.5.7 broke my application
#152 opened by VsLoureiro - 2
delete me
#155 opened by oskarrough - 5
Extending existing tag
#149 opened by steinerkelvin - 12
- 4
[Question] Getting attribute from HTML string parser
#146 opened by bigopon - 7
[Question] Event capturing with xtag
#145 opened by bigopon - 4
attributeChanged vs accessors set method
#141 opened by Eeliya - 8
license and copyright issues
#140 opened by willkg - 1
- 1