
Easily share cloudinary folders

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A private, WeTransfer like service for sharing music and video.

Share unique links to your media folders stored inside Cloudinary


To launch the application you must first provide you Cloudinary cloud API keys and secret :

Steps to do this :

  1. Create the .env file (it is never stored in the git repository)
cp .env.sample .env
nano .env
  1. Replace the sample values by yours (Copy and paste your cloudinary settings inside the .env file and save the file.)

Technical Notes

Build with chakra-ui

This repository was bootstraped using chakra-ui as the component library within a Next.js app.

Storybook Integration

As many knows, there is still no official Chakra UI plugin for Storybook integration, so we have to do small tweaks to Storybook configuration to ensure that Chakra UI Theme is loaded by all stories.
*Essentially : *
main.js and preview.js inside the .storybook/ folder are responsible to wrap stories inside the <ChakraProvider>


Cloudinary has some extraordinay capacities, like :

Adaptive Streaming

A list of MUST-READ articles to explain how the adaptive bitrates formats work (HSL and MPEG-DASH)

And finally, the way to put all of this together is demonstrated with this video tutorial from Google and Cloudinary :

Deploy your own

Deploy your own version using Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel