
Make Redux development easier

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  • Super easy to use.
  • Achieve lazy loading without special settings.
  • Accurately update the state, and each action will not be handled by all processors.
  • Automatically uses the immer library to let you write simpler immutable updates with normal mutative code, like appState.tasks[1].completed = true.
  • Sharing slice state without special settings.
  • (Optional) Rxjs-based middleware, easier to manage asynchronous side effects, and also supports lazy loading (no root, no combine).

Because the responsibility of updating the state has been decoupled from reducer, there are more features to explore


  1. state processor
    • Extracts slice state processor.getSliceState(appState)
    • Provides action creator processor.getActionCreator()
    • Makes a decision processor.isSupport(appState, sliceState action)
    • Handles slice state change processor.handleState(appState, sliceState, payload)

The good news is that these methods have default implementations except for the first one


npm install immer redux-kangking

How to use

Just two steps

Step1. create redux store

import {applyMiddleware, createStore} from 'redux';
import {appStateReducer, createSliceCreator} from 'redux-kangking';

// createSlice is a function
// this code can be omitted when only using class 
export const createSlice = createSliceCreator();

export default createStore(appStateReducer);

Step2. create processor

There are two ways to create a processor:

  • function call the createSlice created above
  • inherit the abstract class ReduxStateProcessor

Choose one according to your preference. Of course, the two can also coexist.

import {ReduxStateProcessor} from 'redux-kangking';
import {createSlice} from '../../redux/store';

///////////////////////// function call ///////////////////////////////////////

const [incrementProcessor, decrementProcessor] = createSlice((appState: AppState) => {
   return appState.count || 0;
   // onIncrement
      handleState(appState: AppState, prevState: number, payload: number): void {
         appState.count = prevState + payload;
   // onDecrement
      handleState(appState: AppState, prevState: number, payload: number): void {
         appState.count = prevState - payload;

///////////////////////// or inherit ReduxStateProcessor ///////////////////////////////////////

abstract class CounterProcessor extends ReduxStateProcessor<AppState, number> {
   getSliceState(appState: AppState): number {
      return appState.count || 0;

 * handle increment action
class IncrementProcessor extends CounterProcessor {
   // update state
   protected handleState(appState: AppState, prevState: number, actionData: number): void {
      appState.count = prevState + actionData;

 * handle decrement action
class DecrementProcessor extends CounterProcessor {
   protected handleState(appState: AppState, prevState: number, actionData: number): void {
      appState.count = prevState - actionData;

// you can provide an identifiable actionName
// export const incrementProcessor = new IncrementProcessor({actionName: 'increment', exclusive: true});
// export const decrementProcessor = new DecrementProcessor();
export {incrementProcessor, decrementProcessor};

use in component

just a general container component

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
import {incrementProcessor, decrementProcessor} from './counter.state';

class Counter extends Component<any> {

   private increment = () => {

   private decrement = () => {

   render() {
      return (
            <h3>Current: {this.props.count}</h3>
            <button onClick={this.increment}>&nbsp;+&nbsp;</button>
            <button onClick={this.decrement}>&nbsp;-&nbsp;</button>

// with react-redux
export default connect(
   (state: AppState) => ({count: incrementProcessor.getSliceState(state)}),
      doIncrement: incrementProcessor.getActionCreator(),
      doDecrement: decrementProcessor.getActionCreator()


This middleware is optional, you can also choose other middlewares.

Step1. create middleware

import {applyMiddleware, createStore} from 'redux';
import {appStateReducer, createSliceCreator, DefaultSliceCreator} from 'redux-kangking';
import {createObservableMiddleware, ObservableSliceCreator, ObserverOptions} from 'redux-kangking/observable';

// 支持异步的中间件(rxjs/observable)
const middleware = createObservableMiddleware();

// 这个接口仅用于编码时开发工具的提示, 无其它用途
// This interface is only used for IDE hints when coding, and has no other purpose
interface MySliceCreator extends DefaultSliceCreator {
   addObserver<S, D, T>(observer: ObserverOptions<S, D, T>): this;

// 默认只能创建普通的Processor
// ObservableSliceCreator是一个扩展类, 用于创建Observer
// 支持多个自定义扩展类
// Only ordinary Processors can be created by default
// ObservableSliceCreator is an extended class that supports the creation of Observer.
// Support multiple custom extension classes 
export const createSlice = createSliceCreator<MySliceCreator>(ObservableSliceCreator);

export default createStore(appStateReducer, applyMiddleware(middleware));

Note: import {createObservableMiddleware} from 'redux-kangking/observable';

Step2. create observer

There are two ways to create a observer:

  • function call the createSlice created above
  • inherit the abstract class ReduxStateObserver

Choose one according to your preference. Of course, the two can also coexist.

import {ReduxStateObserver} from 'redux-kangking/observable';
import {createSlice} from '../../redux/store';

///////////////////////// function call ///////////////////////////////////////

const [incrementAsyncProcessor, decrementProcessor, incrementProcessor] =
   createSlice((appState: AppState) => {
      return appState.count || 0;
         actionName: 'increment',
         // 处理状态
         handleState(appState: AppState, prevState: number, payload: number) {
            appState.count = prevState + payload;
         // 监听并响应感兴趣的 Action , 返回值(流)会触发新的Action以改变自身的状态
         observe(action$: Observable<PayloadAction<number>>, state$: Observable<AppState>): Observable<number> {
            return action$.pipe(
               filter(({type}) => type === incrementAsyncProcessor.actionName || type === decrementProcessor.actionName),
               mergeMap(({type, payload}) => {
                  if (type === decrement.actionName) {
                     // 减法
                     return of(-1 * payload!);
                  // 延迟加法
                  return of(payload!).pipe(delay(1000));

///////////////////////// or inherit ReduxStateObserver ///////////////////////////////////////

class CounterObserver extends ReduxStateObserver<AppState, number> {

   getSliceState(appState: AppState): number {
      return appState.count || 0;

   // 更新状态
   protected handleState(appState: AppState, prevState: number, actionData: number): void {
      appState.count = prevState + actionData;

   observe(action$: Observable<PayloadAction<any>>, appState$: Observable<AppState>): Observable<number> {
      return action$.pipe(
         filter(({type}) => type === incrementAsync.actionName || type === decrement.actionName),
         mergeMap(({type, payload}) => {
            if (type === decrement.actionName) {
               return of(-1 * payload);
            } else {
               return of(payload).pipe(delay(1000));

// export const incrementProcessor = new CounterObserver({actionName: 'increment'});
export {incrementProcessor, decrementProcessor, incrementAsyncProcessor};

Note: Observer is also a Processor, but with an additional observe method.

use in component

just a general container component

More Examples

Less is More, haha😊
