
Primary LanguagePython



Pytorch 1.7
Python 3.7.7
CUDA Version 10.1
pyyaml 5.3.1
tensorboard 2.2.1
torchvision 0.5.0
tqdm 4.50.2


Below are the commands for replicating the results of ColoredMNIST and FullColoredMNIST experiments.

python main.py --config configs/smallscale/resnet18/resnet18-usc-unsigned.yaml --multigpu 1 --data dataset/ --epochs 1500 --K 1 --conv-type ProbMaskConvLinear --weight-decay 0 --lr-policy cosine_lr --optimizer adam --lr 6e-3 --score-init-constant 1 --prune-rate 0.95 --batch-size 50000 --arch MLP --set mnist --iterative --TA --l2_regularizer_weight 0.001 --weight_opt adam --weight_opt_lr 0.0006 --hidden_dim 390 --penalty_anneal_iters 200 --penalty_weight 10000 --envs_num 2 --irm_type rex --data_num 50000 --seed 0  --ts 0.28 --train_weights_at_the_same_time 

python main.py --config configs/smallscale/resnet18/resnet18-usc-unsigned.yaml --multigpu 1 --data dataset/ --epochs 1500 --K 1 --conv-type ProbMaskConvLinear --weight-decay 0 --lr-policy cosine_lr --optimizer adam --lr 6e-3 --score-init-constant 1 --prune-rate 0.95 --batch-size 50000 --arch MLP --set mnist --iterative --TA --l2_regularizer_weight 0.001 --weight_opt adam --weight_opt_lr 0.0006 --hidden_dim 390 --penalty_anneal_iters 200 --penalty_weight 10000 --envs_num 2 --irm_type rex --data_num 50000 --seed 0  --ts 0.28 --train_weights_at_the_same_time 

python main.py --config configs/smallscale/resnet18/resnet18-usc-unsigned.yaml --multigpu 1 --data dataset/ --epochs 1500 --K 1 --conv-type ProbMaskConvLinear --weight-decay 0 --lr-policy cosine_lr --optimizer adam --lr 6e-3 --score-init-constant 1 --prune-rate 0.95 --batch-size 390 --arch MLPFull --set mnistfull --iterative --TA --l2_regularizer_weight 0.001 --weight_opt adam --weight_opt_lr 0.0006 --hidden_dim 390 --penalty_anneal_iters 400 --penalty_weight 10000 --envs_num 2 --irm_type irmv1 --data_num 50000 --seed 0  --ts 0.28 --train_weights_at_the_same_time --ours  --cons_ratio 0.9_0.7_0.1 --noise_ratio 0.2

python main.py --config configs/smallscale/resnet18/resnet18-usc-unsigned.yaml --multigpu 1 --data dataset/ --epochs 1500 --K 1 --conv-type ProbMaskConvLinear --weight-decay 0 --lr-policy cosine_lr --optimizer adam --lr 6e-3 --score-init-constant 1 --prune-rate 0.95 --batch-size 390 --arch MLPFull --set mnistfull --iterative --TA --l2_regularizer_weight 0.001 --weight_opt adam --weight_opt_lr 0.0006 --hidden_dim 390 --penalty_anneal_iters 400 --penalty_weight 10000 --envs_num 2 --irm_type rex --data_num 50000 --seed 0  --ts 0.28 --train_weights_at_the_same_time --ours  --cons_ratio 0.9_0.7_0.1 --noise_ratio 0.2


If you find this implementation is helpful to your work, please cite

  title = 	 {Sparse Invariant Risk Minimization},
  author =       {Zhou, Xiao and Lin, Yong and Zhang, Weizhong and Zhang, Tong},
  booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning},
  pages = 	 {27222--27244},
  year = 	 {2022},
  editor = 	 {Chaudhuri, Kamalika and Jegelka, Stefanie and Song, Le and Szepesvari, Csaba and Niu, Gang and Sabato, Sivan},
  volume = 	 {162},
  series = 	 {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  month = 	 {17--23 Jul},
  publisher =    {PMLR},
  pdf = 	 {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v162/zhou22e/zhou22e.pdf},
  url = 	 {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v162/zhou22e.html},
  abstract = 	 {Invariant Risk Minimization (IRM) is an emerging invariant feature extracting technique to help generalization with distributional shift. However, we find that there exists a basic and intractable contradiction between the model trainability and generalization ability in IRM. On one hand, recent studies on deep learning theory indicate the importance of large-sized or even overparameterized neural networks to make the model easy to train. On the other hand, unlike empirical risk minimization that can be benefited from overparameterization, our empirical and theoretical analyses show that the generalization ability of IRM is much easier to be demolished by overfitting caused by overparameterization. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective paradigm named Sparse Invariant Risk Minimization (SparseIRM) to address this contradiction. Our key idea is to employ a global sparsity constraint as a defense to prevent spurious features from leaking in during the whole IRM process. Compared with sparisfy-after-training prototype by prior work which can discard invariant features, the global sparsity constraint limits the budget for feature selection and enforces SparseIRM to select the invariant features. We illustrate the benefit of SparseIRM through a theoretical analysis on a simple linear case. Empirically we demonstrate the power of SparseIRM through various datasets and models and surpass state-of-the-art methods with a gap up to 29%.}