GDSC-Solution challange

Problem Statement:

In this solution, we are developing a solution in the from of a website that can solve all the problems arising in the society and in this solution all The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations are used and some solution can be provided with people support and help and this solution can be further improved by adding required features in it.


The challenge we address is the inefficiency of existing donation-based solutions. Donations often lack transparency and don't guarantee impactful outcomes. Our project introduces a collaborative platform where people can create challenges, ensuring donated funds are utilized effectively to address specific issues. By fostering a transparent and collaborative approach, we empower individuals to collectively tackle challenges, promote sustainable practices, and redirect donations towards meaningful solutions that positively impact society and the environment. The challange is to provide a solution which can solve all The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and provide a detailed solution for the same.

Solution we are providing:

There are various solutions provided by people which are based on donation system but they are not helping that much because the donations are not utilized for the rigth cause, So there is requirement for a change.

We are providing a platform to colaborately solve these challanges and the donated money is used in rigth way and help to tackle the problem.

With our website people can create challanges to solve emerging problems and with collaboratrion can find the solution of those problems. That way people can return to nature and help to solve the challanges.


  • What inspires us most is, to make a change in the society and to find a way to solve the emerging problems.
  • We are inspired by open-source platforms and collaborative frameworks that encourage the sharing of ideas and solutions.
  • GitHub or collaborative coding projects in the tech community can provide a model for open collaboration on societal challenges also.

Choosen United Nations' Sustainable Developement goals and targets:

Tools used to help understand solution's impact:

Tools used encompassed Google Analytics for user metrics, surveys for qualitative feedback, and social media analytics for sentiment analysis. The project successfully fostered a community-driven approach to tackle global issues.

United Nations' Sustainable Development goal(s) AND target(s):

Our solution aligns primarily with UN Sustainable Development Goal 17: "Partnerships for the Goals." The chosen target focuses on strengthening the global partnership for sustainable development. Inspired by the belief that collaboration is pivotal for addressing complex challenges, Goal 17 emphasizes the importance of shared responsibility, multi-stakeholder partnerships, and resource mobilization. By fostering collaboration on our website, we aim to contribute to the achievement of this specific target and the overarching goal, recognizing the interconnected nature of sustainable development.

Team members and Contributors:

Used By

This project is used by the following companies:

  • Company 1
  • Company 2


Contributions are always welcome!

See for ways to get started.

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.


Question 1

Answer 1

Question 2

Answer 2


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