
This project was the home of code used to develop a modern date and time library for JDK8. Development has moved to OpenJDK and a separate backport project, threetenbp.

Primary LanguageJava

Former home of the ThreeTen/JSR-310 project

JSR-310 is a project under the Java Community Process to provide a modern date and time library for the JDK. ThreeTen is the name of the Reference Implementation used to develop the specification.


This GitHub project is currently dormant, as active development of JSR-310 has moved to OpenJDK to integrate with JDK1.8:

The active issue tracker is still located here at GitHub:

A backport of the API, but not the JSR, has been provided for JDK1.7 users: https://github.com/ThreeTen/threetenbp This is available in the Maven Central repository and uses the ThreeTen name.

A helpful home page has been created, where some documentation is being developed (applicable to JSR-310 and the ThreeTen backport). http://threeten.github.com/


As a long running project, the project has moved location down the years.

Source code history

This GitHub project was the home of the source code for a period from 2011-06-24 to 2012-12-04.

The initial commit to OpenJDK occurred on 2012-11-09: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/threeten/threeten/jdk/rev/b74a5a99159a using commit from GitHub: https://github.com/ThreeTen/threeten/commits/b9566e443b6279f7f1abe675ff012575fb3018f3 This commit was made by scolebourne to establish IP transfer to OpenJDK.

Commits then occurred on both GitHub (scolebourne) and OpenJDK (rriggs, sherman) for the period from 2012-11-09 to 2012-12-04, a total of 136 GitHub commits. Here is an example of a commit (the first one) that was ported manually: https://github.com/ThreeTen/threeten/commit/1eb175e448fd77fdd1971c7d3266199aa4bba89c http://hg.openjdk.java.net/threeten/threeten/jdk/rev/4692637fbb48 Note that the porting changes the author (from scolebourne to rriggs).

The last commit to this repository that was ported to OpenJDK was on 2012-12-04: https://github.com/ThreeTen/threeten/commit/280f25a00d96df7943b89265ece46e593b823926 http://hg.openjdk.java.net/threeten/threeten/jdk/rev/4cc0f3c099e0

Prior to being hosted at GitHub, the source code was hosted at Sourceforge. http://threeten.sourceforge.net/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/threeten/ The VCS used was git from 2011-06-24 to 2011-06-24 (part of migrating to GitHub): http://sourceforge.net/p/threeten/code The VCS was svn up from 2010-12-24 to 2011-06-10: http://sourceforge.net/p/threeten/svn/1497/tree/ Last commit at Sourceforge became this commit at GitHub: https://github.com/ThreeTen/threeten/commit/83f2a944dc8f0ab4fb240132977f56958aede9be

Prior to being hosted as Sourceforge, the source code was hosted at Java.net. http://java.net/projects/jsr-310 The VCS was svn: http://java.net/projects/jsr-310/sources/svn/show Last commit at Java.net: http://java.net/projects/jsr-310/sources/svn/revision/1336 became this commit at Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/p/threeten/svn/1281/tree/

No source code commit history was lost during the move from Java.net to Sourceforge to GitHub. All source code commit history was lost in the move to OpenJDK.

Mailing list history

Currently at OpenJDK: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/threeten-dev

Previously at Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=threeten-develop

Prior to that at Java.net http://java.net/projects/jsr-310/lists/dev/archive


Location VCS Dates
Java.net svn from inception to 2010-12-24
Sourceforge svn from 2010-12-24 to 2011-06-24
Sourceforge git from 2011-06-24 to 2011-06-24
GitHub git from 2011-06-24 to 2012-12-04
OpenJDK hg from 2012-12-04 onwards