

Primary LanguagePowerShell


sl0ppy-Obfuscated-Pif-Payload-Generator, is a fully automated pif payload generator.


  • added a edited version of obfuscator to the repo.
  • this source is edited to gen larger payloads then the default source.

ps2exe added

  • All files from this sources are included, exe, ps1, psd1, psm1.
  • these files are used to gen the exe from the 1.ps1 file


  • reads .ps1 to make obfuscated powershellcode
  • Outputs output obfuscator to .ps1
  • dubble Appends powershell $()
  • reads file .ps1 to gen exe
  • renames exe to pif

NEEDED >> Add exclusions for defender

  • C:\sl0ppy-oppg
  • C:\sl0ppy-payload


  • replace powershell payload in 1.ps1
  • run ./sl0ppy-oppg

Generated payloads u can find under..

  • C:\sl0ppy-payload

Legal Disclaimer:

  • I am not responsible for U using it on non authorized systems, make sure u use it on systems u own or are authorized on.

  • x0xr00t