
Full Stack Financial Application backed with MySQL database that allows users customize financial products and visualize into graphs.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Historical Comparison of Major Global Investments

This is the repository for CS 564 Summer 2022 final group project.

The project is a database system that preserves the historical data of couple global investments, including Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, and Forex Tradings. Details of this project will be filled as progress are made in the future.

  • To connect this application to your database, please open main.py and go to line 9 to find db = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root", password = "A1b2C3d4&", db ="564project") and replace parameters to connect your own db.
  • To run this application, connect db and run main.py.


  • 7.27: stock_merged.csv have format errors: need to clear whitespaces in first col (Symbol)
  • 7.27: special character need to escape ('.'; '=') NOT ABLE TO SEARCH
  • 7.27: crypto lack of meta data
  • 7.27: foreign currency dataset cleansing still NEEDED
  • 8.2./sql folder contains initialization & stored procedure querys used for final project
  • 8.3: placeholder

ER Diagram

Below is the ER diagram of our projects


Remaining Key Deadlines

Task Deadline
Checkpoint 2 7.3
Midterm EXAM 7.7
Checkpoint 3 7.21
Checkpoint 4 7.25
Project - Group Presentation 8.3
Last day of class 8.3
Final Exam 8.7

Checkpoint documents:

NOTE that check point 3 is a coding section, which includes the implementation of B+ Trees in java.


Please contact any of our group members if you have further concerns:
