
The EyeWriterB, based on the open source EyeWriter and EyeWriter 2.0 projects.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This software is based on multiple projects using the GNU Public License (GPL). As such, this project is also GPL. Please see the GNU Public License (contained in the file "COPYING") for more information on your rights regarding this project.

All files incorporated in this project are copyright by their respective owners unless otherwise noted.


		Quick Start
Follow the build and install instructions at <http://www.instructables.com/id/The-EyeWriter-20/>. Instead of running the software provided under this link, run the software from this repository (the built binary is at bin/EyeWriterB_2_x_y.exe where x & y are the minor release and build numbers). As of the time of writing, this means skipping step 3C, and installing and running the EyeWriterB software instead.


		Description of EyeWriterB

EyeWriterB is a modification of the open source EyeWriter Project and the open source EyeWriter 2.0 project.

To use the program, first calibrate the eye-tracking software to accurately track the eye. Press the enter/return key to toggle between different modes (including the calibration mode). The numbers on the keyboard should also toggle between modes, each number corresponding to a specific mode. To control the mouse with the EyeWriter, press the 's' key on the keyboard to switch to mouse control mode. WARNING: If you are unable to properly control the mouse, you may be able to press 's' again to return to non-mouse-control mode...if the program window is in focus. Otherwise, you will need to force quit the program using task manager and using the arrow keys to navigate in task manager.

There is additional configuration data that can be found in bin/data/Settings. inputSettings.xml may contain some useful configuration information. If the camera does not work properly although it works in other programs (such as the program distributed with the driver), changing the <deviceId> field to a different number may fix this problem.


		Using the Source Code

In order to properly build this software, it should be included in the apps directory of openFrameworks 0.061 (using another version will likely not work without some modification). The Code::Blocks IDE is recommended for this project as it was originally created in this IDE. Use of gcc/g++ is also recommended. However, use of gcc optimization is not recommended as the program (specifically the Presage library) does not build correctly for unknown reasons. Setting the build target to debug will allocate a console, which is useful for debugging purposes. Setting it to release will not allocate a console. (This can, of course, be changed through the build target settings).

		Other Misc. Info

This project is only compatible with Windows XP or higher. It will not function on other non-Windows operating systems.

It is worth noting that some characters on the keyboard will not properly appear in the text box. This is due to the fact that these characters are unicode whereas the textbox only supports ASCII characters.


Please not that the source for the Presage library is not contained within this project. Only the compiled version is included. However, the source for this library can be freely downloaded from <http://presage.sourceforge.net/>