Working my way through the Software Foundations book.
I'm trying to do all of the suggested exercises from this page. Exercises I've done already are crossed off; I might do some others along the way, as well.
- Basics:
factorialplus_id_exercisezero_nbeq_plus_1boolean functionsandb_eq_orbbinarydecreasing
- Induction:
basic_inductionplus_commmult_commevenb_n__oddb_Snbinary_commute- binary_inverse
- Lists:
- bag_functions
- bag_theorem
- list_exercises
- list_design
- bag_count_sum
- rev_injective
- Poly:
- split
- map_rev
- fold_length
- fold_map
- MoreCoq:
- silly_ex
- rev_exercise1
- beq_nat_0_l.
- plus_n_n_injective
- beq_nat_true
- gen_dep_practice
- combine_split
- override_same
- destruct_eqn_practice
- beq_nat_sym
- beq_nat_trans
- split_combine
- override_permute
- Prop:
- gorgeous_sum
- beautiful__gorgeous
- ev_ev__ev
- palindromes
- MoreProp:
- total_relation
- empty_relation
- R_provability
- R_fact
- combine_odd_even
- Logic:
- True
- contrapositive
- not_exists_dist
- dist_exists_or
- leibniz_equality
- all_forallb
- no_repeats
- pigeonhole principle
- ProofObjects:
- double_even_pfobj
- trans_eq_example_redux
- Imp:
- optimize_0plus_b
- bevalR
- update_same
- update_permute
- loop_never_stops
- no_whiles_terminating
- stack_compiler
- stack_compiler_correct
- Hoare:
- valid_triples
- hoare_asgn_wrong
- hoare_asgn_examples_2
- hoare_asgn_example4
- swap_exercise
- if_minus_plus
- if1_hoare