
My Vagrant config for web development

Primary LanguagePHP

My Vagrant config for web development

  • Box: ubuntu/xenial64
  • Provisioner: SHELL

Installed software:

  • PHP-7.2
    • curl
    • intl
    • mbstring
    • imagick
    • apcu
    • xdebug
  • Nginx
  • Mysql
  • Nodejs-9.X, NPM
  • Git, Subversion, mc
  • GoLang


  • Change your box IP in Vagrantfile if necessary
  • Add hostname devbox.vmdev.com to your hosts file
  • vagrant up
  • vagrant reload
  • Open devbox.vmdev.com in a browser

More options

You can add more stuff before first vagrant up to setup your environment (executed once)

  • Put bash executable scripts to vagrant/files/shell to prepare your environment
  • Put SQL scripts to vagrant/files/mysql to create users, databases, etc. (they will be run as mysql < /vagrant/files/mysql/anyscript.sql)
  • Put SQL scripts for databases to vagrant/files/mysql/<dbname> (they will be run as mysql <dbname> < /vagrant/files/mysql/<dbname>/anyscript.sql, use it e.g. for importing databases)
  • Put additional configs for nginx virtual hosts to vagrant/files/nginx
  • Put configs for additional PHP-FPM pools to vagrant/files/php/pool.d


Tested on Vagrant-2.0.1, Virtualbox-5.1.30