
通过 Python 脚本实现自动向 TMDB 添加剧集 - Automatically Add Episodes To TMDB via Python Script

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


使用 tmdb-automation 可以利用 selenium 通过网页自动化实现自动向 TMDB 添加剧集信息和封面图片。由于 TMDB 不支持通过 API 向网站添加内容,所以我选择了使用 selenium 来实现这个功能。tmdb-automation 共包含三个脚本,auto-add-episodes 可以用来添加剧集,auto-add-covers 可以用来添加剧集封面,auto-update-episodes 可以用来更新(修改)剧集信息。



  • 操作系统为 Windows、MacOS 或 Linux。
  • 安装了 Python 3.0 或更高版本。
  • 安装了必要的第三方库:selenium。(可以通过 pip3 install selenium 安装)
  • 安装了 Chrome 浏览器和对应版本的 ChromeDriver
  • 有可用的 TMDB 账号。


  1. 将仓库克隆或下载到计算机上的一个目录中。
    • TMDB_USERNAME:您的 TMDB 用户名。
    • TMDB_PASSWORD:您的 TMDB 用户密码。
    • EPISODES_URL:您要添加剧集的网址。(例如:https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/229116-dust/season/8/edit?active_nav_item=episodes,需要是具体某一季的集的编辑页面的完整地址)
    • DATA_FILE:您存储剧集信息的文本文件路径。(文本每一行代表一集的信息,需要包含五个由 ; 分隔的字段,分别表示集编号、播出日期、时长、名字和分集剧情。例如:336;2023/6/29;47;滑到他們的影片就停不下來!超可愛網紅小朋友們來啦!;小孩就是流量密碼?只要有小孩的影片流量就會高嗎?!今天製作單位就找來幾位「小朋友網紅」到現場,要看看他們到底是有什麼魔力能讓人如此著迷!
    • LANGUAGE_CODE:您添加内容的语言代码。(例如:zh-CN 表示汉语,en-US 表示英语,以 TMDB 编辑页面显示的语言代码为准)
  3. 修改 start.command (Mac)start.bat (Win) 中的路径,以指向您存放 auto-add-episodes.py 脚本的目录。
  4. 双击运行 start.commandstart.bat 脚本以执行 auto-add-episodes.py 脚本。
  5. 脚本会自动打开新的 Chrome 浏览器窗口,自动登录到 TMDB 网站,并根据提供的剧集信息添加新的剧集。若提供的剧集信息中有已经存在于 TMDB 上的剧集,脚本将跳过这些剧集并显示相应的提示信息,然后继续添加其他剧集。当所有剧集信息都处理完成后,脚本将显示成功添加的剧集数和失败的剧集数(如果有)。


  • 请确保您拥有合法的 TMDB 帐户,并且具有足够的权限执行所需的操作。
  • 使用脚本时,请确保您的网络连接正常,并且 TMDB 网站可以正常访问。
  • 请确保设置的 LANGUAGE_CODE 与您提供的剧集信息的文本语言一致。
  • 请确保 TMDB 账户的语言偏好设置与您设置的 LANGUAGE_CODE 一致。
  • 请确保您提供的剧集信息文本格式与脚本中所述的格式一致。不同的语言对 播出日期 的格式要求可能不同,当语言为 汉语 时日期格式为 YYYY/MM/DD 例如 2023/1/20,当语言为 英语 时日期格式为 MM/DD/YYYY 例如 1/20/2023,请根据你的语言使用对应的格式。
  • 使用脚本时,请遵守 TMDB 网站的使用条款和规定,以确保合法合规。



  • 操作系统为 MacOS。
  • 安装了 Python 3.0 或更高版本。
  • 安装了必要的第三方库:selenium。(可以通过 pip3 install selenium 安装)
  • 安装了 Chrome 浏览器和对应版本的 ChromeDriver
  • 有可用的 TMDB 账号。


  1. 将仓库克隆或下载到计算机上的一个目录中。
    • TMDB_USERNAME:您的 TMDB 用户名。
    • TMDB_PASSWORD:您的 TMDB 用户密码。
    • EPISODES_URL:您要添加剧集封面图片的网址。(例如:https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/229116-dust/season/0/episode/1/images/backdrops,可以是您要添加的季中任意一集的剧照页面)
    • IMAGE_FOLDER:您存储剧集封面图片的文件夹路径。(每次只能为单季添加封面图片,每集只能上传一张图片,图片请按集编号命名,文件夹内请只包含单季的图片)
    • LANGUAGE:您添加的封面图片的语言代码。(请以您设置的语言偏好为依据进行设置,例如:界面语言为 汉语 时,汉语 表示汉语,英语 表示英语;界面语言为 English 时,Chinese 表示汉语,English 表示英语。)
  3. 修改 start.command 中的路径,以指向您存放 auto-add-covers.py 脚本的目录。
  4. 双击运行 start.command 脚本以执行 auto-add-covers.py 脚本。
  5. 脚本会自动打开新的 Chrome 浏览器窗口,自动登录到 TMDB 网站,并根据提供的剧集封面图片上传图片。脚本会按照数字从小到大的顺序上传提供的封面图片,如果上传失败,脚本将显示相应的提示信息,并继续处理下一个图片。当所有图片都处理完成后,脚本将显示成功上传的封面数和失败的封面数(如果有)。


  • 请确保您拥有合法的 TMDB 帐户,并且具有足够的权限执行所需的操作。
  • 使用脚本时,请确保您的网络连接正常,并且 TMDB 网站可以正常访问。
  • 请确保设置的 LANGUAGE 与您提供的封面图片语言一致。
  • 请确保设置 LANGUAGE 时使用的语言与您的 TMDB 界面语言相匹配。
  • 请确保提供的剧集封面图片是按集编号命名的,并以 .jpg 作为文件扩展名。
  • 请确保脚本运行时输入法的语言为英语,且用到的文件夹或文件名称及目录只包含英语,不可以包含其他语言的字符或特殊字符。
  • 使用脚本时,请关闭所有使用 Shift 键为快捷键的应用程序,或将快捷键设置为其他键,以免运行时触发其他进程,影响脚本正常运行。
  • 使用脚本时,请勿对屏幕进行任何操作,以免中断脚本运行。
  • 使用脚本时,请遵守 TMDB 网站的使用条款和规定,以确保合法合规。



  • 操作系统为 Windows、MacOS 或 Linux。
  • 安装了 Python 3.0 或更高版本。
  • 安装了必要的第三方库:selenium。(可以通过 pip3 install selenium 安装)
  • 安装了 Chrome 浏览器和对应版本的 ChromeDriver
  • 有可用的 TMDB 账号。


  1. 将仓库克隆或下载到计算机上的一个目录中。
    • TMDB_USERNAME:您的 TMDB 用户名。
    • TMDB_PASSWORD:您的 TMDB 用户密码。
    • EPISODES_URL:您要更新剧集的网址。(例如:https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/201900/season/1/episode/1/edit?active_nav_item=primary_facts,需要是具体某一季的集的编辑页面的完整地址)
    • DATA_FILE:您存储剧集信息的文本文件路径。(文本每一行代表一集的信息,需要包含五个由 ; 分隔的字段,分别表示集编号、播出日期、时长、名字和分集剧情。例如:336;2023/6/29;47;滑到他們的影片就停不下來!超可愛網紅小朋友們來啦!;小孩就是流量密碼?只要有小孩的影片流量就會高嗎?!今天製作單位就找來幾位「小朋友網紅」到現場,要看看他們到底是有什麼魔力能讓人如此著迷!
    • LANGUAGE_CODE:您更新内容的语言代码。(例如:zh-CN 表示汉语,en-US 表示英语,以 TMDB 编辑页面显示的语言代码为准)
  3. 修改 start.command (Mac)start.bat (Win) 中的路径,以指向您存放 auto-update-episodes.py 脚本的目录。
  4. 双击运行 start.commandstart.bat 脚本以执行 auto-update-episodes.py 脚本。
  5. 脚本会自动打开新的 Chrome 浏览器窗口,自动登录到 TMDB 网站,并根据提供的剧集信息更新每一集的信息。当所有剧集信息都处理完成后,脚本将显示成功更新的剧集数和失败的剧集数(如果有)。


  • 请确保您拥有合法的 TMDB 帐户,并且具有足够的权限执行所需的操作。
  • 使用脚本时,请确保您的网络连接正常,并且 TMDB 网站可以正常访问。
  • 请确保设置的 LANGUAGE_CODE 与您提供的剧集信息的文本语言一致。
  • 请确保 TMDB 账户的语言偏好设置与您设置的 LANGUAGE_CODE 一致。
  • 使用脚本时,请遵守 TMDB 网站的使用条款和规定,以确保合法合规。


tmdb-automation is a tool that automates the process of adding TV show episodes and cover images to TMDB using Selenium web automation. Since TMDB does not support adding content to the site via API, I chose to use selenium to achieve this functionality. tmdb-automation contains three scripts: auto-add-episodes for adding episodes, auto-add-covers for adding episode covers, and auto-update-episodes for updating (modifying) episode information.



  • Operating system: Windows, MacOS, or Linux.
  • Installed Python 3.0 or higher.
  • Installed required third-party library: selenium. (Install with pip3 install selenium)
  • Installed Chrome browser and corresponding version of ChromeDriver.
  • A valid TMDB account.


  1. Clone or download the repository to a directory on your computer.
  2. Modify the parameters in the script as needed: TMDB_USERNAME, TMDB_PASSWORD, EPISODES_URL, DATA_FILE and LANGUAGE_CODE.
    • TMDB_USERNAME: Your TMDB username.
    • TMDB_PASSWORD: Your TMDB password.
    • EPISODES_URL: The URL of the TV show episodes editing page you want to add episodes to. (e.g., https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/229116-dust/season/8/edit?active_nav_item=episodes, needs to be the full address of the edit page for a specific season of episodes)
    • DATA_FILE: The path to the text file where you store episode information. (Each line of text represents one episode’s information, containing five fields separated by ;, representing episode number, air date, duration, name and episode overview. For example: 53;6/28/2023;19;Fearfully Made;Sundered from his wife, Arthur's care falls to a machine.
    • LANGUAGE_CODE: The language code for the content you are adding. (e.g., zh-CN for Chinese, en-US for English, based on the language code displayed on the TMDB edit page)
  3. Modify the path in start.command (Mac) or start.bat (Win) to point to the directory where you store the auto-add-episodes.py script.
  4. Double-click start.command or start.bat to execute the auto-add-episodes.py script.
  5. The script will automatically open a new Chrome browser window, log in to the TMDB website automatically, and add new episodes based on the provided episode information. If there are episodes in the provided episode information that already exist on TMDB, the script will skip these episodes and display corresponding prompt information, then continue adding other episodes. When all episode information has been processed, the script will display the number of successfully added episodes and failed episodes (if any).


  • Ensure that you have a valid TMDB account and sufficient permissions to perform the required actions.
  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection and can access the TMDB website.
  • Ensure that the LANGUAGE_CODE matches the language used in the provided episode information.
  • Set your TMDB account language preferences to match the LANGUAGE_CODE.
  • Ensure that the format of the provided episode information file matches the format specified in the script. The date format may vary depending on the language. For example, for Chinese, the date format is YYYY/MM/DD (e.g., 2023/1/20), and for English, the date format is MM/DD/YYYY (e.g., 1/20/2023). Please use the appropriate format based on your language.
  • Follow the terms of use and regulations of the TMDB website while using the script.



  • Operating system: MacOS.
  • Installed Python 3.0 or higher.
  • Installed required third-party library: selenium. (Install with pip3 install selenium)
  • Installed Chrome browser and corresponding version of ChromeDriver.
  • A valid TMDB account.


  1. Clone or download the repository to a directory on your computer.
  2. Modify the parameters in the script as needed: TMDB_USERNAME, TMDB_PASSWORD, EPISODES_URL, IMAGE_FOLDER and LANGUAGE.
    • TMDB_USERNAME: Your TMDB username.
    • TMDB_PASSWORD: Your TMDB password.
    • EPISODE_URL: The URL of the TV show episode's backdrop images page you want to add cover images to. (e.g., https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/229116-dust/season/0/episode/1/images/backdrops. It should be the URL of a specific episode's backdrop images page)
    • IMAGE_FOLDER: The path to the folder where you store episode cover images. (Only one season of cover images can be added at a time, only one image can be uploaded per episode, images should be named by episode number, and only images from a single season should be included in the folder)
    • LANGUAGE: The language of the cover images you are adding (Please set according to your language preference, For example, when the interface language is 汉语, 汉语 means Chinese, 英语 means English; when the interface language is English, Chinese means Chinese, English means English.)
  3. Modify the path in start.command (Mac) or start.bat (Win) to point to the directory where you store the auto-add-covers.py script.
  4. Double-click start.command or start.bat to execute the auto-add-covers.py script.
  5. The script will automatically open a new Chrome browser window, log in to the TMDB website automatically, and upload cover images based on the provided episode cover images. The script will upload the provided cover images in ascending numerical order, if uploading fails, the script will display corresponding prompt information and continue processing the next image. When all images have been processed, the script will display the number of successfully uploaded covers and failed covers (if any).


  • Ensure that you have a valid TMDB account and sufficient permissions to perform the required actions.
  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection and can access the TMDB website.
  • Ensure that the LANGUAGE matches the language used for the provided cover images.
  • Ensure that when setting LANGUAGE, you use a language that matches your TMDB interface language.
  • Ensure that your provided episode cover images are named by episode number and have .jpg as their file extension.
  • Please ensure that the input method language is set to English while running the script, and the folder names, file names, and directory paths used should only contain English characters. They should not include characters from other languages or special characters.
  • When using the script, please close any applications that have assigned shortcuts using the Shift key or change their shortcuts to use other keys. This will prevent the possibility of triggering unintended processes during script execution, which could potentially interfere with the script's operation.
  • While running the script, please refrain from performing any actions on the screen to avoid interrupting the script's execution.
  • Follow the terms of use and regulations of the TMDB website while using the script.



  • Operating system: Windows, MacOS, or Linux.
  • Installed Python 3.0 or higher.
  • Installed required third-party library: selenium. (Install with pip3 install selenium)
  • Installed Chrome browser and corresponding version of ChromeDriver.
  • A valid TMDB account.


  1. Clone or download the repository to a directory on your computer.
  2. Modify the parameters in the script as needed: TMDB_USERNAME, TMDB_PASSWORD, EPISODES_URL, DATA_FILE, and LANGUAGE_CODE.
    • TMDB_USERNAME: Your TMDB username.
    • TMDB_PASSWORD: Your TMDB password.
    • EPISODES_URL: The URL of the episode's edit page you want to update. (e.g., https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/201900/season/1/episode/1/edit?active_nav_item=primary_facts, needs to be the full address of the edit page of a specific season’s episode)
    • DATA_FILE: The path to the text file where you store episode information. (Each line of text represents one episode’s information, containing five fields separated by ;, representing episode number, air date, duration, name and episode overview. For example: 53;6/28/2023;19;Fearfully Made;Sundered from his wife, Arthur's care falls to a machine.
    • LANGUAGE_CODE: The language code for the content you are adding. (e.g., zh-CN for Chinese, en-US for English, based on the language code displayed on the TMDB edit page)
  3. Modify the path in start.command (Mac) or start.bat (Win) to point to the directory where you store the auto-update-episodes.py script.
  4. Double-click start.command or start.bat to execute the auto-update-episodes.py script.
  5. The script will automatically open a new Chrome browser window, log in to the TMDB website automatically, and update each episode according to the provided episode information. When all episode information has been processed, the script will display the number of episodes successfully updated and the number of failed episodes (if any).


  • Ensure that you have a valid TMDB account and sufficient permissions to perform the required actions.
  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection and can access the TMDB website.
  • Ensure that the LANGUAGE_CODE matches the language used in the provided episode information.
  • Set your TMDB account language preferences to match the LANGUAGE_CODE.
  • Follow the terms of use and regulations of the TMDB website while using the script.