
Based on https://github.com/admiral0/AntaniCC

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

ComputerCraft with IndustrialCraft2

This mod provide peripheral interface few IC2 mechanics for using in Comuters from ComputerCraft mod, and add controlled reactor component cc_ic2:prototype_heat_vent_2.

Realised mechanics:


for using, place computer closly to reactor, reactor chamber or reactor vessel (pump, readstone or access hatch).

  • getOut - return output of reactor and units (Eu/t in single mode and H/t in fluid mode).
  • getHeat - return current heat and maximum heat
  • getFluidCold - return name of cooling fluid, amount and capacity (only for fluid mode).
  • getFluidHot - return name of hot cooler fluid, amount and capacity (only for fluid mode).
  • getFuelRemaining - return least duration of uranium or MOX cells.
  • hasDepleted - return true, if reactor have depleted cells.
  • isActive - return true, if reactor is active.
  • getSizeInvertory - return size invertory of reactor.
  • getStackInSlot - return information about item in slot of reactor (name, count, durability, maximal damage).
  • getStatePrototype - return current status (power) of prototype heat vent. if reactor have vents with different status, return average.
  • setStatePrototype - write status to all prototype heat vents.


reactor = peripheral.wrap("<side-where-reactor>") -- see more in ComputerCraft Wiki

-- getting output:
out, out_units = reactor.getOut()

-- getting heat:
heat, max_heat = reactor.getHeat()
heat_in_percents = (heat * 100) / max_heat

-- getting status of prototype vents
status = reactor.getStatePrototype()
while status < 0.5 do
    reactor.setStatusPrototype(status + 0.1)
    status = reactor.getStatePrototype()

-- etc...

Writing readme in progress