welcome to FlowerPaper
this is bbs(bulletin board system) open project developed by spring mvc and hibernate
- multi language(Korean, English)
- base spring, hibernate
- open source
- support xml, json api (You can use api for mobile or etc platform)
- coming soon support mobile web(responsive web design)
###1 first step
start WAS with FlowerPaper web application
###2 second step
you should change db setting yours id, password, db url
db setting value(id,password,url) in net.changwoo.x1wins.proeprties.jdbc.properties
###3 third step
you must run follow this query
insert into config (bbsname,userid, listTypeNum) values('notice','admin',1);
insert into config (bbsname,userid, listTypeNum) values('free','admin',1);
insert into config (bbsname,userid, listTypeNum) values('portfolio','admin',2);
this follow is bbs list view type
listTypeNum 1 - text view list
listTypeNum 2 - thumb picture list
if you didn't run this query. you can't use bbs
this following is web, rest api url
1 data(json or xml, if you want xml. you should change json to xml in url word)
- bbs list http://localhost:8080/FlowerPaper/bbs/data/1/list/1.json
- bbs detail http://localhost:8080/FlowerPaper/bbs/data/detail/15.json
- bbs reply list http://localhost:8080/FlowerPaper/bbs/data/1/reply/list.json
- member list http://localhost:8080/FlowerPaper/user/list.json
- member detail http://localhost:8080/FlowerPaper/user/1/detail.json
2 web