
JNI helper library

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Jni wrapper library

This C++17 header-only library provides handy wrapper classes for JNI objects.

The library provides:

  • Safe way to manage jobject lifetimes.
  • Safe way to get JniEnv pointer that is associated with current thread.
  • Simpler method invocation with automatic signature generation for simple JNI types.
  • Simpler field getters and setters with automatic signature generation for simple JNI types.
  • Java exception marshalling.
  • A more advanced class name to signature generation using constexpr character strings as non-type template parameters

Simple usage:

JObject strObj = JVM::getEnv().getClass("java/lang/String").createObject();
const auto strLen = strObj.invokeMethod<jlong>("length");

More advanced use case:

package my.package;

class MyClass
    private Number x = 0;
    MyClass() {
    MyClass(Number n) {
        x = n;
    Number getX() {
        return x;
    void setX(Number n) {
        x = n;
constexpr const char java_lang_Number[] = "java.lang.Number";
constexpr const char my_package_MyClass[] = "my.package.MyClass";

JClassS<java_lang_Number> ncls;
JObjectS<java_lang_Number> n = ncls.createObjectS();
JString str = n.invokeMethod<JString>("toString");

JClassS<my_package_MyClass> mycls;
JObjectS<my_package_MyClass> my = mycls.createObjectS(n);
JObjectS<java_lang_Number> n2 = my.invokeMethod<JObjectS<java_lang_Number>>("getX");
my.invokeMethod<JObjectS<java_lang_Number>>("setX", n);
my.invokeMethod<JObjectS<java_lang_Number>>("setX", n2);

Register native method:

void myNativeMethod(JNIEnv* /*env*/, jobject thiz, jlong val)
    JObject obj(thiz);
    const auto fieldVal = obj.getField<jlong>("someLongField");
    obj.invokeMethod<void>("callBack", val + fieldVal);

void registerMethod()
    JVM::getEnv().getClass("my/java/Class").registerNativeMethod<void>("myNativeMethod", &myNativeMethod);

Build options

  • Jni_BuildTests - build unittests
  • Jni_AutoInit - automatically initialize JVM static object



Java virtual machine pointer wrapper.


  • static void init(JavaVM*) - initialize JVM static object manually. This must be called before any other class can be used! This is automatically called when Jni_AutoInit build option is enabled.
  • static JEnv getEnv() - get JNI environment wrapper for current thread.


JNI environment wrapper.


  • JEnv(JNIEnv*) - the wrapper constructor


  • JClass getClass(const char* classPath) - get a JClass wrapper object for a class path (i.e. java/lang/String).
  • JClass getObjectClass(jobject) - get a JClass wrapper object for a JNI object.

Internal JNI helper methods (you might not need to use them):

  • JNIEnv* operator->() - access JNIEnv pointer


Java class object wrapper.

The wrapper manages the wrapped jobject lifetime and deletes reference when wrapper get's destroyed.


  • JClass(const jclass&) - the wrapper constructor


  • std::string getClassPath() - get the class path of current JClass object (handy for signature generation)
  • void registerNativeMethodSign<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name, const char* signature, TReturn(*fn)(JNIEnv*, jobject, TArgs...)) - register a native method that matches the name and signature
  • void registerNativeMethod<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name, TReturn(*fn)(JNIEnv*, jobject, TArgs...)) - register a native method that matches the name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TReturn and TArgs... types)
  • JObject createObjectSign<TArgs...>(const char* signature, const TArgs&... args) - construct a new object by calling a constructor that matches the signature
  • JObject createObject<TArgs...>(const TArgs&... args) - construct a new object (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TArgs... types)
  • TReturn invokeMethodSign<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name, const char* signature, const TArgs&... args) - invoke static method by name and signature
  • TReturn invokeMethod<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name, const TArgs&... args) - invoke static method by name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TReturn and TArgs... types)
  • T getFieldSign<T>(const char* name, const char* signature) - get static field value by name and signature
  • T getField<T>(const char* name) - get static field value by name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from T type)
  • void setFieldSign<T>(const char* name, const char* signature, const T& value) - set static field value by name and signature
  • void setField<T>(const char* name, const T& value) - set static field value by name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from T type)

Internal JNI helper methods (you might not need to use them):

  • operator jclass() - access jclass object
  • jmethodID getStaticMethodIdSign(const char* name, const char* signature) - get a static method ID from name and signature strings
  • jmethodID getStaticMethodId<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name) - get a static method ID from name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TReturn and TArgs... types)
  • jmethodID getMethodIdSign(const char* name, const char* signature) - get an instance method ID from name and signature strings
  • jmethodID getMethodId<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name) - get an instance method ID from name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TReturn and TArgs... types)
  • jmethodID getStaticFieldIdSign(const char* name, const char* signature) - get a static field ID from name and signature strings
  • jmethodID getStaticFieldId<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name) - get a static field ID from name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TReturn and TArgs... types)
  • jmethodID getFieldIdSign(const char* name, const char* signature) - get an instance field ID from name and signature strings
  • jmethodID getFieldId(const char* name) - get an instance field ID from name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TReturn and TArgs... types)


Template jclass wrapepr with Java class name passed via non-type template parameter (constexpr const char ClassName[]). This class extends JClass so it has all the same methods as above with additional methods listed bellow.


  • JClassS() - create new jclass wrapper
  • JClassS(const jclass&) - wrap around an existing JNI object


  • JObjectS<ClassName> createObjectS(const TArgs&... args)- create new object and return JObjectS<ClassName>
  • JClassS<ClassName> createGlobalRefS()- create new global reference to jclass object and wrap it in JClassS<ClassName>
  • JClassS<ClassName> createWeakGlobalRefS()- create new weak global reference to jclass object and wrap it in JClassS<ClassName>
  • static constexpr const char* getClassName()- get class name passed via non-type template parameter


Java object instance wrapper.

The wrapper manages the wrapped jobject lifetime and deletes reference when wrapper get's destroyed.


  • JObject() - construct an empty JNI object
  • JObject(const jobject&) - the wrapper constructor


  • TReturn invokeMethodSign<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name, const char* signature, const TArgs&... args) - invoke instance method by name and signature
  • TReturn invokeMethod<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name, const TArgs&... args) - invoke instance method by name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TReturn and TArgs... types)
  • T getFieldSign<T>(const char* name, const char* signature) - get instance field value by name and signature
  • T getField<T>(const char* name) - get instance field value by name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from T type)
  • void setFieldSign<T>(const char* name, const char* signature, const T& value) - set instance field value by name and signature
  • void setField<T>(const char* name, const T& value) - set instance field value by name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from T type)

Internal JNI helper methods (you might not need to use them):

  • operator jobject() - access jobject object
  • jmethodID getMethodIdSign(const char* name, const char* signature) - get an instance method ID from name and signature strings
  • jmethodID getMethodId<TReturn, TArgs...>(const char* name) - get an instance method ID from name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TReturn and TArgs... types)
  • jmethodID getFieldIdSign(const char* name, const char* signature) - get an instance field ID from name and signature strings
  • jmethodID getFieldId(const char* name) - get an instance field ID from name (the signature is automatically generated at compile time from TReturn and TArgs... types)


Template jobject wrapepr with Java class name passed via non-type template parameter (constexpr const char ClassName[]). This class extends JObject so it has all the same methods as above, with additional methods listed bellow.


  • JObjectS() - create empty JNI object wrapper
  • JObjectS(const jobject&) - wrap around an existing JNI object


  • JObjectS<ClassName> createGlobalRefS()- create new global reference to jclass object and wrap it in JObjectS<ClassName>
  • JObjectS<ClassName> createWeakGlobalRefS()- create new weak global reference to jclass object and wrap it in JObjectS<ClassName>
  • static constexpr const char* getClassName()- get class name passed via non-type template parameter

JGlobalRef (deprecated)

Global reference container - use this class to take global reference ownership of the Java object.


  • JGlobalRef(jobject)


  • JObject* operator->() - access the underlying JObject

Internal JNI helper methods (you might not need to use them):

  • operator jobject() - access jobject object


Wrapper for jstring object that gives RAII safe approach to convert it into std::string and back.


  • JString(const jstring&) - the wrapper constructor


  • static JString createFrom(JEnv, const std::string&) - construct a new JString from std::string
  • operator std::string() - construct new std::string from jstring
  • operator jstring() - access internal jstring object


Wrapper for j*Array objects that gives RAII safe approach to convert it into std::vector<T> and back.

Predefined types:

  • JBooleanArray - converts jbooleanArray to std::vector<bool> and back
  • JByteArray - converts jbyteArray to std::vector<std::int8_t> and back
  • JCharArray - converts jcharArray to std::vector<char> and back
  • JShortArray - converts jshortArray to std::vector<std::int16_t> and back
  • JIntArray - converts jintArray to std::vector<std::int32_t> and back
  • JLongArray - converts jlongArray to std::vector<std::int64_t> and back
  • JFloatArray - converts jfloatArray to std::vector<float> and back
  • JDoubleArray - converts jdoubleArray to std::vector<double> and back



  • JArray<TCpp, TJArray, TJArrayElement>(TJArray) - the wrapper constructor (wrap TJArray - i.e. j*Array object)


  • static TJni createFrom(JEnv, const std::vector<TCpp>&) - construct a new TJni from std::vector<TCpp>
  • operator std::vector<TCpp>() - construct new std::vecotr<TCpp> from TJni
  • operator TJni() - access internal TJni object


JNI object arrays are handled differently from other array types so it has it's own specialization of the array wrapper.


  • JObjectArray(const jobjectArray&)


  • operator std::vector<JObject>() - construct new std::vecotr<JObject> from jobjectArray (wraps each element in JObject class)
  • operator jobjectArray() - access internal jobjectArray object
  • JObject operator[](int index) - access each element of the array directly
  • static JObjectArray createFrom(const std::vector<JObject>& cppArray, const JClass& elementClass) - create a new jobjectArray wrapper from std::vector of JObject elements
  • static JObjectArray createNew(std::size_t initSize, const JObject& initObject, const JClass& elementClass) - create a new jobjectArray wrapper


Template jobject wrapepr with Java class name passed via non-type template parameter (constexpr const char ClassName[]). This class extends JObject so it has all the same methods as above, with additional methods listed bellow.


  • JObjectArrayS(const jobjectArray&)


  • operator std::vector<JObjectS<ElementClassName>>() - construct new std::vecotr<JObjectS<ElementClassName>> from jobjectArray (wraps each element in JObjectS class)
  • JObjectS<ElementClassName> operator[](int index) - access each element of the array directly
  • static JObjectArrayS<ElementClassName> createFromS(const std::vector<JObjectS<ClassName>>& vector) - create a new jobjectArray wrapper from std::vector of JObjectS elements
  • static JObjectArrayS<ElementClassName> createNewS(std::size_t initSize, const JObjectS<ClassName>& initObject) - create a new jobjectArray wrapper
  • static constexpr const char* getClassName()- get class name passed via non-type template parameter


  1. Global references for arrays (maybe drop JGlobalRef)
  2. Exception marshalling from C++ to Java
  3. Introduce new abstraction with just JNI::Object which would act like a wrapper around both JObjectS and JClassS and act like dirrect mirror to Java class with option to register native methods, call static methods via static invoke method and instance methods via instance invoke method and be constructable via C++ constructor.

Idea dump

// it would be nice to have something like this:

constexpr const char java_lang_StringBuffer[] = "java.lang.StringBuffer";
constexpr const char java_lang_Thread[] = "java.lang.Thread";
constexpr const char my_package_MyClass[] = "my.package.MyClass";

                                                        // Java equivalents:
// Construct new JNI object                                                         
JNI::Object<java_lang_StringBuffer> buffer { 1024 };    // StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(1024);

// Invoke instance method
auto c = buffer.invoke<char>("charAt", 123);            // char c = buffer.charAt(123);

// Invoke static method
auto currentThread = JNI::Object<java_lang_Thread>::invoke<JNI::Object<java_lang_Thread>>("currentThread"); 
                                                        // Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();

// Get static field and immediatelly cast it to STL type
auto x = JNI::Object<my_package_MyClass>::getField<std::string>("staticStringField");
// Set static field from STL/C++ type
JNI::Object<my_package_MyClass>::setField("staticStringField", "some string");

JNI::Object<my_package_MyClass> my; 

// Get instance field
auto y = my.getField<std::string>("instanceStringField");
// Set instance field
my.setField("instanceStringField", "my string");