
Appointment Booker Assignment

Notes/Thoughts while working

  • Build a proof of concept - don't do unit tests
  • There is no need to store the appointment anywhere. - Data storage is not required
  • This information should then be relayed back to the user in a confirmation email. - Email Templates would be useful here, mailhog for emails?
  • The user can view nearby doctors - Config file of doctors? How do other providers currently do this?
  • There should be a form with the following fields:
    • Selected Doctor
    • Patient's Name
    • Patient's E-mail Address
    • Preferred appointment time.
  • Let's use univerities as address, it's mock data anyways
  • In production use something like webpack to package all the js files rather than host them from CDNs

Plan of action

  • 1 service
  • views and server side validation. Should also send emails
  • dockerised

Improvements that can be made

  • Repackage client js with webpack/bower/etc
  • Increase validation used on fields. ie we currently allow dates in the past
  • Add mailhog as a second service so that we can test emails in a dockerised enviornment