Pick up Move quickly

This repo organized several examples from Aptos ecosystem. Also, Aptos-cli commands are writen as shortcuts in Makefile.
Play with these commands and query resources to see what happened on the local testnet.
Then you can read the source code to know how move language imeplement these features, I added some comments to these examples.
Hope this repo helps you to pick up move language quickly.

Local dev environment setup


Make sure you have installed aptos-cli

NOTE: Make commands in this document are shortcuts, you can check origin aptos-cli commands in the Makefile

Setup local testnet and profiles

Run a local testnet

make local_testnet

Open another terminal, Initialize profiles

make init_profiles

Fund accounts of these profiles

make fund

Example 1 - Counter

Compile and publish the counter module

Module owner compile the module

make compile_counter

Module owner publish the module

make publish_counter

User initialize a counter resource with value 0 and store it to his account global storage

make init_counter

User increase the count

make incr_counter

User check his counter resource, the value should increased

make query_user_resource

Example 2 - Message Book

Module owner compile the module

make compile_message

Module owner publish the module

make publish_message

User set message of message holder resource under his account

make set_message

User check his message holder resource, should get the message 'ABC123' that we wrote in the set_message script

make query_user_resource

Or you can use this script to print user's message.
Checkout the terminal that you run the local testnet, you shoud see the hex code of 'ABC123'

make print_message

Example 3 - Bridge

This Bridge is for centralized brdige prototype example. There would be another smart contract on another chain.
You may needs to implement a service to query lock/unlock events that related to the contract on both chain.
Everytime the lock event occurs on one chain, then the contract on another chain unlocks coins on that chain, vice versa.

Compile the bridge contract

make compile_bridge

Run test cases

make test_bridge

Example 4 - NFT

In Aptos, tokens are more like EIP721 or EIP1155 assets. You can find more details here

Compile NFT contracts

make compile_nft

Run test cases

make test_nft

Publish NFT contract

make publish_nft

User execute mint NFT script

make claim_nft

Check the NFT exists under user's account

make query_user_resource

Example 5 - Upgrade module

Let's say, we need a function to reset the count of counter.
In this example, we will upgrade the counter module in example 1.

First, compile the upgraded counter module.

make compile_upgraded_counter

Then publish the module

make publish_upgraded_counter

Now, you can reset the counter

make reset_counter

Check the count has been set reset to 0

make query_user_resource

Upgrading module needs to comply with these policies. For example, the resource structure can't be modified. Try to uncomment the name field (at line 11) of counter struct in counter.move.
Remember to add a value for initialzing the struct. I already add the code, just uncomment it (at line 21)
Then compile and publish the module, you will get BACKWARD_INCOMPATIBLE_MODULE_UPDATE error.

Also, the function signature can't be modified. There is another reset_counter function in counter.move. Try to replace the currecnt reset_counter function with that function then upgrade the module.

Example references:

Upgrade module