WC3 Front-End Web Developer Professional Certificate

Table of Content

Course 1: CSS Basics
  • Module 1: Getting started with CSS
  • Module 2: Building CSS rules
  • Module 3: Specific HTML element targeting with CSS selectors
  • Module 4: Layout and positioning
  • Module 5: Designing your Web site for your audience
Course 1: HTML5 and CSS Fundamentals
  • Module 1: My first Web page
  • Module 2: Attributes, images and links
  • Module 3: Adding style with CSS
  • Module 4: Fixing and debugging
  • Module 5: More HTML and CSS
  • Module 6: Basics of page layout
Course 1: HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices
  • Module 1: HTML5 basics
  • Module 2: HTML5 multimedia
  • Module 3: HTML5 graphics
  • Module 4: HTML5 animations
  • Module 5: HTML5 forms
  • Module 6: HTML5 basic APIs
Course 1: HTML5 Apps and Games
  • Week 1:
  • Week 2:
  • Week 3:
  • Week 4:
Course 1: JavaScript Introduction
  • Week 1:
  • Week 2:
  • Week 3:
  • Week 4:

Proof of Completion
