Bot Launcher

Bot Launcher was created to let you start, restart, and update an application (specifically Discord Bots)


The config.json file will be created after you first run the application


Config Value Type Description
path-to-executable string Path to the folder containing the executable
executable string Name of the executable
exit-codes ExitCodesConfig Configuration for what exit codes do what. See more
archive-to-extract string Name of the zip file that will be extracted when the update exitcode is given
debug bool Whether Debug logs should be displayed


Config Value Type Description
restart int The Launcher will restart the executeable when this was the exitcode
shutdown int The Launcher won't restart the executable when this was the exitcode
unzip-and-restart int The Launcher will extract the specified archive and then restart the executable
restart-unknown bool Whether the Launcher should restart the executable when the exitcode is none of the above