
Rest-API that helps you quickly discover the REAL IP of a website, especially for websites protected by Cloudflare. It's the fastest on GitHub.


IPFinder is a Rest-API that helps you quickly discover the REAL IP of a website with lightning-fast speed and precision, especially for websites protected by Cloudflare. It's the fastest on GitHub.

Note For the first request, it may take some time to respond due to spin down or inactivity. Remember not all the results are positive.

Made With

  • Quart - Using Hypercorn or an alternative ASGI server


  • CrimeFlare (Real IP) - True by default
  • ZoomEye (Real IP) - False by default
  • SubWhois (Subdomains) - False by default
  • DNS Dumpster (DNS Info) - False by default
  • Port Scanner (Scanning port on Real IP) - False by default

Note Enable the Port Scanner only if both CrimeFlare or ZoomEye are set to ‘True’.

Endpoint (Click this url first to check the server is UP or NOT)


ip_info (Bonus)

Required (as JSON data)

{'query_domain': 'TARGET DOMAIN'}

Modes (as JSON data)

    'zoomeye': False,
    'subwhois': False,
    'dumpster': False,
    'port_scan': False


  • Single Run (CrimeFlare)

import requests

domain = 'streak.com'

url = 'https://async-quart.onrender.com/domain_info'
json_data = {'query_domain': domain}
response = requests.post(url, json=json_data)

  • Custom Switch (CrimeFlare and ZoomEye)

import requests

domain = 'streak.com'

url = 'https://async-quart.onrender.com/domain_info'
json_data = {
    'query_domain': domain,
    'zoomeye': True,
response = requests.post(url, json=json_data)

  • All Modes (CrimeFlare, ZoomEye, SubWhois, DNSDumpster) + Port Scanner

Note It is not recommended to run all modes simultaneously.

import requests

domain = 'streak.com'

url = 'https://async-quart.onrender.com/domain_info'
json_data = {
    'query_domain': domain,
    'zoomeye': True,
    'dumpster': True,
    'subwhois': True,
    'port_scan': True
response = requests.post(url, json=json_data)


IP Checker (Bonus)

To check your current IP

import requests

url = 'https://async-quart.onrender.com/ip_info'
response = requests.get(url)


To check with custom IP

import requests

custom_ip = ''
params = {'ip': custom_ip}

url = 'https://async-quart.onrender.com/ip_info'
response = requests.get(url, params=params)


JSON Output

Test Found IP

Screenshot (20231025-032657)

Legal Disclaimer

Note This was made for educational purposes only, nobody which directly involved in this project is responsible for any damages caused. You are responsible for your actions.