
Reverse engineered API for Quora's Poe - access Claude (Anthropic) and ChatGPT (OpenAI)

Primary LanguagePython

Typing SVG

Quora Poe

This is a reverse-engineered API for Quora's Poe that allows access to the following chatbots.

Available Bots

  1. Sage - OpenAI (capybara)
  2. GPT-4 - OpenAI (beaver)
  3. Claude+ - Anthropic (a2_2)
  4. Claude - Anthropic (a2)
  5. ChatGPT - OpenAI (chinchilla)
  6. Dragonfly - OpenAI (nutria)


pip install -r requirements.txt


Sign in at https://www.quora.com/

  • F12 for console
  • Copy the values
    • Session: Go to Storage → Cookies → m-b. Copy the value of that cookie. Put in the (config.json)


You can find an example of how to use this API in the (example.py) file or you can do like the following code

from json import load

from api import PoeApi

with open('config.json') as file:
    config = load(file)

client = PoeApi(cookie=config['m-b'])
bots = {
    1: 'capybara',
    2: 'beaver',
    3: 'a2_2',
    4: 'a2',
    5: 'chinchilla',
    6: 'nutria'
choice = input('Who do you want to talk to?\n'
            '1. Sage - OpenAI (capybara)\n'
            '2. GPT-4 - OpenAI (beaver)\n'
            '3. Claude+ - Anthropic (a2_2)\n'
            '4. Claude - Anthropic (a2)\n'
            '5. ChatGPT - OpenAI (chinchilla)\n'
            '6. Dragonfly - OpenAI (nutria)\n\n'
            'Your choice: ')

bot = bots[int(choice)]
print(f'The selected bot is: {bot}')
chat_id = client.get_chatid(bot)
print("Context is now cleared")

while True:
    message = input('\033[38;5;121mYou\033[0m : ').lower()
    if message == '!clear':
        print("Context is now cleared")
    elif message == '!exit':
        client.send_message(message, bot, chat_id)
        result = client.get_latest_message(bot)
        print(f'\033[38;5;20m{bot}\033[0m : {result.strip()}')


POE.com Reverse Engineered CLI - Credits to Vaibhavk97

  • I made modifications to the original API. The formkey is no longer necessary; only the cookie is required.

Legal Disclaimer

Note This was made for educational purposes only, nobody which directly involved in this project is responsible for any damages caused. You are responsible for your actions.