
Job Queue for Elixir. Clustered or Local. Straight BEAM or Ecto. 💪🏻🍈

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Honeydew 💪🏻🍈

Build Status Hex pm

Honeydew ("Honey, do!") is a pluggable job queue and worker pool for Elixir, focused on at-least-once execution.

defmodule MyWorker do
  def do_a_thing do
    IO.puts "doing a thing!"

:ok = Honeydew.start_queue(:my_queue)
:ok = Honeydew.start_workers(:my_queue, MyWorker)

:do_a_thing |> Honeydew.async(:my_queue)

# => "doing a thing!"


  • Jobs are run in isolated one-time-use processes.
  • Optionally stores immutable state loaned to each worker (a database connection, for example).
  • Initialized Worker

Strong Job Custody

  • Jobs don't leave the queue until either they succeed, are explicitly abandoned or are moved to another queue.
  • Workers are issued only one job at a time, no batching.
  • If a worker crashes while processing a job, the job is reset and a "failure mode" (e.g. abandon, move, retry) is executed.
  • Job Lifecycle

Clusterable Components

  • Queues, workers and your enqueuing processes can exist anywhere in the BEAM cluster.
  • Global Queues


Batteries Included

Easy API

The Ecto Queue is designed to painlessly turn your Ecto schema into a queue, using your repo as the backing store.

  • You don't need to explicitly enqueue jobs, that's handled for you (for example, sending a welcome email when a new User is inserted).
  • Eliminates the possibility of your database and work queue becoming out of sync
  • As the database is the queue, you don't need to run a separate queue node.
  • You get all of the high-availability, consistency and distribution semantics of your chosen database.

Check out the included example project, and its README.

Getting Started

In your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
  [{:honeydew, "~> 1.4.1"}]


  • Check out the examples.
  • Enqueue jobs with Honeydew.async/3, delay jobs by passing delay_secs: <integer>.
  • Receive responses with Honeydew.yield/2.
  • Emit job progress with progress/1
  • Queue/Worker status with Honeydew.status/1
  • Suspend and resume with Honeydew.suspend/1 and Honeydew.resume/1
  • List jobs with Honeydew.filter/2
  • Move jobs with Honeydew.move/2
  • Cancel jobs with Honeydew.cancel/2


The rest of the README is broken out into slightly more digestible sections.

Also, check out the README files included with each of the examples.


It's worth keeping abreast with the CHANGELOG