
Full Python Engine to convert Algorithm(french/Moroccan) to an actual C code .

Primary LanguageC

################### Types de Variables #####################
## ------------------------------------------------------ ##
## char : 1 seul character Exmple : 'a' .. 'b' ..'*' etc  ##
## string : Chaine de charactere                          ##
## entier : nombre entier Exmple : 1  2  3  4 ..etc       ##
## reel   : nombre reel kay9bel Entier w a3dad b fasila   ##
## reelf  : nombre reel mais ty9bl a3dad li b fasila safi ##
## bool   : Boolaine .. Vrais - Faux                      ##
## ------------------------------------------------------ ##

## Darori tkhdem exactement b had les regles ##
## Darori t7tarm les syntax - Majiscule-Miniscule(mazal ghadi ytad) ##
## Darori tketbo ; apres Ecrire w Lire ..etc ##
## Declaration dyal Variables ta7t Debut  ##
## Declarer les variables haka : type x,y;  ## 
## Si ..SinonsSi .. Sinon ..Selon ..  dima 7arf lwl dyal Kelma Majiscule ##
## Algo khasha tsali b Fin  ##

## Exmple :                       ##
## ------------------------------ ##
## Debut                          ##
## entier a;                      #### hadi Declaration dyal variable a de type Entier 
## Ecrire("Donnez un Nombre : "); #### Ecrire n E kbira w f la fin kayn ;
## Lire(a);                       #### Lire L kira w f la fin ;
## Si(a <= 10) Alors:             #### Si ..SinonSi ..Sinon kimma 9arana Mr.Fahimi
##    Ecrire("Bien jouer");       ##
## SinonSi(a <= 50) Alors:        ##
##    Ecrire("Wow");              ##
## Sinon                          ##
##    Ecrire("Rip");              ##
## FinSi                          ##
## Fin                            ##
## ------------------------------ ##

	########################## TO DO NEXT / LATER #########################
    1 > Probelem in Algo'S Vars :
        lets say our variable is 'a' of type int 
        and we have another variable declared named 'atest' of type double
        when we search in the Table of all algo File's vars generated ,
        to get the type of variable 'a' .. we get the 'atest' since 'a'
        is in 'atest'.
    1 > [Solution that might work]
        We need to get the len(var) to get the exact length ,
        then we compare it with the length founf on our vars Table !
    2 > Problem in Replacing Multiple Lire(:
        For example we have Lire(a); with a int 
        and after that we have Lire(b); with B double
        when generating the main.c file both of these gets replaced with :
        scanf("%lf",&var) .. instead  it has to be %lf for double(reel) vars
        and %d for entier(int) vars.
    2 > [Solution possible]
        in words[] i think it replaces every Lire(  with the last
        Lire()'s infos found in the file ..
        probably i gtta replace while searching in the file for Lire( 
        in for loop using str.replace(old,new,max) // max to replace 
        must be once to replace only the first found with it's var types
        then go next and replace it depends on if() statements types of 
        that algo var !