
A continuation of the Minecraft 1.12.2 player assistance utility mod, GameSense

Primary LanguageJava


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SpiderSense has been discontinued as of 23/10/2021


SpiderSense is my own personal fork of the GameSense client player assistance utility mod for Minecraft. Currently, the client is Discontinued. This doesn't mean it's completely dead; it just means there won't be any real updates or releases in the future.

My personal configs for the client can be found here: Configs.zip


Check specific class files for full credits. Huge thanks to the original GameSense developers, Inferno, Cousinware, Catalyst, Phobos, Pyro, Future, Cosmos, Momentum, Oyvey, Cr33pyware, Salhack, Wurst+, Haybale Client, Cookie Client, Seppuku, Summit and RusherHack. Plus everyone who has helped along the way. Especially Cyber, Hoosiers, FINZ0, 086, Christallinqq, Aestheticall and Perry.


  1. Go to the releases tab and download the latest release
  2. Drag and drop it into your Minecraft mods folder
  3. Start up Forge 1.12.2 in the Minecraft launcher and play!


For Windows, type the following commands into your command prompt.

gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
gradlew clean
gradlew build

For Mac type in these commands

./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
./gradlew clean
./gradlew build


Make a pull request with the features you'd like to see added, and it will most likely be accepted.


There will be no further assistance provided. Please contact me at queueskip2b2t@gmail.com if you have any questions.