
By defining the Schema, use `go generate` to generate database CRUD or HTTP request code.

Primary LanguageGo


Automatically generate code based on predefined Schema


defc originates from the tedium of repetitively writing code for "create, read, update, delete" (CRUD) operations and "network interface integration" in our daily work and life.

For example, for database queries, we often need to:

  1. Define a new function or method;
  2. Write a new SQL query;
  3. Execute the query, handle errors, and map the results to a structure;
  4. If there are multiple SQL statements, initiate a transaction, and perform commit or rollback;
  5. Log the query;
  6. ...

Similarly, for network interface integration, for a new interface, we often:

  1. Define a new function or method;
  2. Set the interface URL, configure parameters (such as Headers, Query, Body in HTTP requests);
  3. Make the request, handle errors, and map the response to a structure;
  4. If it involves pagination, concatenate the results of multiple paginated queries into the final result;
  5. Log the request;
  6. ...

All of the above are repeated several times when writing new requirements or scenarios. Especially the parts related to queries, requests, error handling, transaction commit/rollback, data mapping, list concatenation, and log recording, which are all logically identical repetitive codes. Writing them is very annoying; some codes are very long, and copying and pasting require various changes to variable names, method names, and configuration information, which greatly affects development efficiency;

Unfortunately, the Go language does not provide official macro features, and we cannot use macros to complete these complex repetitive codes like Rust does (of course, macros also have their limitations; they are devastating to code readability when not expanded and also affect IDE completion). However, fortunately, Go provides a workaround with go generate. Through go generate, we can approximately provide macro functionality, that is, code generation capabilities.

Based on the above background, I wanted to implement a code generation tool. By defining the Schema of a query or request, it is possible to automatically generate code for the related CRUD operations or HTTP requests, which includes parameter construction, error handling, result mapping, and log recording logic. defc is my experimental attempt at such a schema-to-code generation; "def" stands for "define," indicating the behavior of setting up a Schema. Currently, defc provides the following two scenarios of code generation features:

  • CRUD code generation based on sqlx for databases
  • HTTP interface request code generation based on the net/http package in the Golang standard library

sqlx mode

Note: To use this mode, you need to import the sqlx package, please execute the following command in your project directory:

go get github.com/jmoiron/sqlx

Firstly, we need to define the SQL query's Schema. A basic Schema is shown below:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  // CreateUser EXEC
  // INSERT INTO `user` (`name`, `age`) VALUES (?, ?);
  CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) error
  // GetUser QUERY
  // SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` = ?;
  GetUser(ctx context.Context, id int64) (User, error)

A Schema should be an interface, with each method representing an SQL query. A Schema consists of three parts:

  1. The go generate command;
  2. Interface name definition;
  3. Method definitions;

Method definitions include four parts:

  1. Method name and query type definition;
  2. SQL statement definition;
  3. Query parameters definition;
  4. Query results and error definition;

Firstly, there is the go generate part, which accepts a shell command. Here we use go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" to execute the code generation command. Of course, if you prefer not to use the go run command, or if there is no go compiler in the current environment, you can also use defc after compiling it separately. Add defc to the environment variable PATH, and then use the command defc --mode=sqlx instead of the previously mentioned go run -mod=mod command, which is also feasible. The defc command accepts two basic parameters: --mode/-m and --output/-o. The --mode command specifies the current mode for code generation, which in this case should be --mode=sqlx; the --output command specifies the location of the generated code file.

Note: Additionally, the defc command also supports the --features parameter, which will be mentioned in the following explanations.

Next are the interface name definition and method definitions. After defining the interface name (in this example, "Query"), defc will generate several constructors such as:

  • NewQuery
  • NewQueryFrom*

Method definitions are the most important part of the Schema, directly influencing the logic of the final generated code. We will elaborate further on this part. It is important to note that:

  • the Schema's definition relies on the content of comments. Therefore, in the Schema, you may not be able to freely write what you want to express in the comments;
  • and please use single-line double-slash comments //, do not use multi-line /* */ comments, otherwise defc will not be able to parse the Schema content defined in the comments;
  • comments should be closely attached to the method definition;

Method Name and Query Type Definition

This is the first line of content in the comments, always fixed as the first line, formatted as: method name, query type, and optional query parameters:

// <NAME> <CMD> <ARG>...

Here, <NAME> is the method name. You should keep it consistent with the current interface name (this is a convention and not strictly enforced, meaning you can use any word for <NAME>, but it must be present; it cannot be empty).

<CMD> is the definition of the current query mode. The commands currently supported (case insensitive) are:

  • EXEC: Corresponding to the Exec function/method in sqlx
  • QUERY: Corresponding to the Query/Get function/method in sqlx

<ARG> is an optional parameter, supporting only one value NAMED (also case insensitive). If this parameter is not provided, the normal querying method of sqlx is used, i.e., Exec/Query/Get function/method. If the NAMED parameter is provided, then the PrepareNamed function/method in sqlx is used to construct a sqlx.NamedStmt, and then the Exec/Query/Get function/method of sqlx.NamedStmt is called.

Starting from v1.9.4, <ARG> supports two additional values MANY/ONE, which are only available when the <CMD> value is QUERY. MANY represents using the sqlx.Select method for querying, where the result should be stored in a slice; ONE represents using the sqlx.Get method for querying, where the result should be stored in a structure, a basic type, or a type that implements the sql.Scanner interface. Additionally, from v1.9.4, the []byte type will be treated as a separate type like string, not a slice type. When using []byte as the return type without specifying MANY/ONE, defc will default to the sqlx.Get method for querying.

Starting from v1.12.0, <ARG> adds a new parameter CONST. Using the CONST parameter indicates that you want defc not to generate template (text/template) construction-related code, meaning defc will treat the comment content as the complete SQL for database querying, and template syntax will not be effective. This can significantly improve performance (as template construction is very slow) when executing simple SQL (referring to SQL strings that do not require additional concatenation and judgment).

Starting from v1.13.2, <ARG> adds a new parameter SCAN(expr), which will use expr instead of the return value as the parameter passed into the sqlx.Select/sqlx.Get method. When using the SCAN parameter, the method return value can only be error.

Starting from v1.20.1, <ARG> adds a new parameter BIND. It will use the binding method to bind query parameters. For more details, please refer to the section "Query Parameter Definition".

Starting from v1.26.0, <ARG> adds a new parameter arguments for SQL templates to include a list of query parameters variables. For more details, please refer to the section "Query Parameter Definition".

Starting from v1.27.0, <ARG> adds a new parameter wrap. Through the wrap parameter, you can customize the data reception logic for a specific type of reception:

type UserDao struct {

func convertUserToDao(user *User) *UserDao {
  return &UserDao{User: user} // Implement your object conversion logic here.

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  // GetUser QUERY wrap=convertUserToDao
  // SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` = ?;
  GetUser(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*User, error)

In the aforementioned code, once you set wrap=convertUserToDao, defc will utilize *UserDao to receive data returned from the database and map it into *UserDao instead of the original *User object. In the generated code, the GetUser method will employ the function convertUserToDao to transform a *User into a *UserDao. It then passes this *UserDao into functions/methods like Query/Get for receiving query data from the database (and completing mapping).

SQL Statement Definition

Starting from the second line of the comment, the SQL statement definition follows. Here, you can write the SQL statements you want to execute. SQL line breaks are supported (while still needing to be within the comment scope), and so are multiple SQL statements (multi-line SQL is only supported for use in EXEC, with multiple SQL statements separated by semicolons ;; these SQL will be executed in the same transaction). In SQL, parameters are represented with question marks ? as placeholders. Additionally, if you are using PostgreSQL or other databases that do not use ? as a placeholder, you can convert the ? in SQL to the placeholder suitable for the respective database with the --features=sqlx/rebind feature in the def command. For instance, it changes to $1 in PostgreSQL.

Query Parameter Definition

So, how to pass values to these question mark placeholders? Both sqlx and Go's standard library database/sql pass variable-length arguments to convey values to the database. defc also uses this approach but with some encapsulation. We'll explain these rules in detail:

First, let's describe the general case without NAMED parameters:

  1. In method definitions, for parameters other than ctx context.Context, the remaining arguments are passed in their order of appearance to the underlying Exec/Query functions/methods (note that all parameters must have names and cannot be defined with only types without parameter names).

  2. For slice (Slice) type parameters, when passing arguments, the slice will be expanded into several parameters based on the length of the slice, for example, parameter []int{1, 2, 3} will be passed into the Query method like this (excluding []byte type, as []byte itself is a valid driver.Value):

    sqlx.Query(sql, 1, 2, 3)
  3. However, most of the time, the method's input parameters are not basic types or, to be more specific, not all driver.Value types. If they aren't driver.Value types, it will most likely cause a runtime error in the query. Moreover, we often use a structure to wrap some parameters to avoid lengthy method signatures. For these two scenarios, defc provides the ToArgs interface. For types implementing the ToArgs interface, when passing arguments, their ToArgs method will be called, and the returned slice of arguments will be split and merged into the query parameters. The ToArgs interface is defined in the github.com/x5iu/defc/__rt package as follows:

    type ToArgs interface {
      ToArgs() []any
  4. Additionally, if you do not want a method's input parameter to serve as an SQL query parameter, you can implement the NotAnArg interface for this parameter's type. This interface is also located in the github.com/x5iu/defc/__rt package, and is defined as:

    type NotAnArg interface {

For scenarios with NAMED parameters:

  1. Replace the question mark ? placeholders with :name, where name is the name of the parameter.

  2. In method definitions, for parameters other than ctx context.Context, the remaining parameters are passed as key:value pairs, with key being the parameter name and value being the parameter value, to the sqlx.PrepareNamed function/method (likewise, all parameters must have names and cannot be defined with only types without parameter names).

  3. Note that the NAMED query method does not support slice parameters, and defc will not expand slice parameters in NAMED mode.

  4. For types defined with ToNamedArgs, defc will merge the contents of the map returned by ToNamedArgs into the query parameters. Additionally, if the parameter type is a structure or pointer to a structure, it will query the structure fields' db tags (as defined by sqlx). For fields with a db tag, the value of the db tag will be used as key, and the field value as value added to the query parameters. If the parameter type is a map, defc will merge this map into the query parameters. The ToNamedArgs interface is defined in the github.com/x5iu/defc/__rt package as follows:

    type ToNamedArgs interface {
      ToNamedArgs() map[string]any
  5. Similarly, if you do not want a method's input parameter to serve as an SQL query parameter, you can implement the NotAnArg interface.

Typically, for complex SQL, we use string concatenation to build queries, but this is neither safe nor convenient, and the code becomes messy; hence, defc provides a default template function to construct SQL. The SQL statements in comments support all template syntax of Go's standard library text/template. You can access method input parameters in SQL with {{ $.Arg }}, where Arg refers to the name of the method input parameter. For example, in the method signature GetUser(ctx context.Context, id int64), you can use {{ $.id }} to access the id parameter. Likewise, if these parameters have associated methods, you can invoke these methods through template syntax; the same support applies to conditional and loop statements.

Note: Please do not use template syntax to construct SQL query parameters. Instead, use question mark ? placeholders to pass parameters to avoid the risk of SQL injection.

Additionally, defc offers a special template function bindvars. bindvars takes one parameter, which can be of any type. If it's an integer type (signed or not), it generates a corresponding number of question mark ? placeholders, separated by commas. If it's a slice (Slice) type, it generates question mark ? placeholders corresponding to the length of the slice, also separated by commas. For other types, it generates a single question mark ?. bindvars is particularly useful for dealing with slice-type SQL parameters, enabling the quick generation of placeholders for query parameters. For instance:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  // GetUsers QUERY
  // SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` IN ({{ bindvars $.ids }});
  GetUsers(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) ([]*User, error)

Regarding the ctx context.Context parameter, it is optional, but we recommend including the ctx context.Context parameter in standard method definitions according to Go's conventions, with the parameter name designated as ctx (please do not use any other names, as defc only recognizes ctx).

Starting from defc@v1.20.1, defc has added a new parameter mode called binding. You can enable this mode by using the BIND argument, for example:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  // GetUsers QUERY BIND
  // SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` IN ({{ bind $.ids }}) AND `status` = {{ bind $.status.String }};
  GetUsers(ctx context.Context, status fmt.Stringer, ids []int64) ([]*User, error)

When using the binding mode, specify the values of the parameters that need to be bound using template syntax, and use the bind function to add the parameters to the query parameter list. For example, if you have a user object and you need to use user.ID as a query parameter, you can write in the SQL like this: {{ bind $.user.ID }}. defc will not only add user.ID to the query parameter list but also place a placeholder (or multiple, depending on the parameter type) at the position of {{ bind $.user.ID }} to prevent SQL injection attacks.

Note that when using binding mode, since the template is built and rendered each time, its execution performance is significantly slower compared to when the CONST argument is enabled. Please choose the specific parameters according to your actual scenario.

To address the performance overhead of re-rendering templates with each method execution in binding mode, a new arguments parameter has been introduced in version defc@v1.26.0. By using syntax like arguments=ARGUMENTS, you can specify an alias (variable name) for the SQL query parameters list within the template. Subsequently, you can directly call the Add method on the query parameters list to add new parameters and leave a placeholder for a parameter in the original SQL statement:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  // GetUsers QUERY arguments=sqlArguments
  // SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` IN ({{ $.sqlArguments.Add ( $.ids ) }}) AND `status` = {{ $.sqlArguments.Add ( $.name.String ) }};
  GetUsers(ctx context.Context, name fmt.Stringer, ids []int64) ([]*User, error)

Using the arguments parameter will render the SQL template only once during program initialization.

Query Results and Error Definitions

It is important to clarify that all methods must carry an error return value. A method may not return a result, but it cannot omit returning an error. If there is no error return value, defc will throw an error during code generation. This is a strict constraint.

For EXEC type queries, defc will not call any Scan methods, as EXEC performs create, delete, and update operations, which should not return any data by nature. Therefore, usually, methods of the EXEC class should only return an error.

However, we often care about the LastInsertId after an INSERT statement or the RowsAffected value after an UPDATE statement. Thus, defc additionally provides support for the sql.Result interface as a return value for EXEC. For example, you can define a Schema like this:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  // CreateUser EXEC
  // INSERT INTO `user` (`name`, `age`) VALUES (?, ?);
  CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) (sql.Result, error)

For QUERY type queries, you can use a basic type, a structure (or structure pointer), or a slice as a return value, and defc will automatically map the query results to the return value.

Transaction Support

If you need to execute queries within a transaction, you can add a special method WithTx to the Schema, as shown in the following example:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  WithTx(context.Context, func(Query) error) error

The first parameter of the WithTx method is context.Context (also an optional parameter, but typically recommended to include), and the second parameter is a function whose argument is the interface defined by the Schema. Within this function, you can execute queries through this argument. These queries will be executed within the same transaction, which will be automatically committed. If an error occurs, it will automatically roll back.


To record query logs, please add the --features=sqlx/log feature and use the New*FromCore constructor method. You need to implement the Log interface for the type of the core parameter passed in. The Log interface is defined as follows:

type Log interface { 
  Log(ctx context.Context, caller string, query string, args any, elapse time.Duration) 

Here, the caller parameter is the name of the current method, query is the SQL statement of the current query, args are the parameters of the query, and elapse is the time spent on the query.

Embedding Complex SQL

In a few cases, we write extremely complex and lengthy SQL query statements. Having these SQL statements written in comments obviously impacts the readability of the code and is not conducive to SQL maintenance. Therefore, defc provides the functionality to embed .sql files at compile time (in fact, all file types are supported, such as .tmpl files). You only need to use the #include statement to import the file (this looks similar to C language's include):

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  // CreateUser EXEC
  // #include insert.sql
  CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) (sql.Result, error)

Note: The #include statement should exist in a comment line on its own, and that line should only contain #include and the filename. Only one file can be included at a time, but you can use #include multiple times to import different files.

Another best practice for #include is, if your SQL always contains some common query conditions, or query fields, you can write them in a separate .sql file and use #include to import them into different methods. In this way, you won't need to rewrite these common query statements and only need to update the .sql file to update all methods that imported this .sql file's schema.

From v1.9.0 onwards, defc added the #script directive, which is used similarly to #include, but supports calling external commands to generate SQL statements. For example, you can invoke a Python script to generate the corresponding SQL at compile time like this:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  // CreateUser EXEC
  // #script python gen_sql.py
  CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) (sql.Result, error)

The #script directive will compile the command's standard output stdout into the generated file as template content (this also means that the generated code is template code and supports template syntax).

Starting from v1.11.5, to enhance the readability and convenience of the #script directive, the following rules were added:

  • If the current line starts with a whitespace character or \t, it will be considered as a continuation of the previous line. defc will append this line to the end of the previous line, separated by a space;
  • Blank lines between lines will be discarded, for example, \n\n will be replaced with \n;

If you want to apply these rules, you can use the /* */ type of comment, for example:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --output=query.go
type Query interface {
  // CreateUser EXEC
        -c "print(open('sql/sql.tmpl').read())"
  CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) (sql.Result, error)

API Mode

Under api mode, the definition of the Schema is largely similar to the sqlx mode. A basic Schema definition is as follows:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=api --output=service.go
type Service interface {
  Inner() *Inner
  Response() *Response
  // CreateUser POST {{ $.Service.Host }}/user
  // Content-Type: application/json
  // { 
  //   "name": {{ $.name }}, 
  //   "age": {{ $.age }} 
  // }
  CreateUser(ctx context.Context, name string, age int) (*User, error)

With the foundation of the sqlx mode, it is much easier to understand the Schema under the api mode. We will skip the concepts that are repetitive with sqlx and directly introduce the differences.

The Inner and Response Methods

The first difference from the sqlx Schema is that the api Schema needs to define two auxiliary methods, Inner and Response.

The type returned by the Inner method will serve as a dependency for the Schema, and the Schema's constructor method New* will take the return type of the Inner method as an argument to complete dependency injection. Typically, information such as the host, key, secret, token, etc., used in interface calls, is placed in the return value of the Inner method.

Note: From v1.5.1 onwards, the Response and Inner methods are no longer case-sensitive, and they can also be written in the form of response and inner to avoid being mistakenly used by the calling party. In most cases, it is recommended to write them in lowercase to prevent exposing these two internally used methods to the caller.

The type returned by the Response method will be used to construct the return value of the HTTP request. The return value of the Response method must implement the following interface:

type Response interface {
   Err() error
   ScanValues(...any) error
   FromBytes(string, []byte) error
   Break() bool

The Err method represents errors related to the business layer rather than the network layer that occur during this request. For example, if we request an interface and the network request is successful with a status value of 200, but a business error occurs, such as a request parameter error resulting in a 400 business response code, then after obtaining the business response information, we should expose the error to the caller through the Err method.

The ScanValues method is used to map the response results into the method's return values. Note that the parameters here are variadic, meaning the method's return values can include more than one parameter (but this does not include the error return value). In our example, the return value is *User. This return value will first have memory allocated and then call the ScanValues method to write the response information into *User. If an error is encountered, it will return the error.

The FromBytes method is used to construct this Response. The response of the HTTP request is of type []byte. The complete response value will be passed into the FromBytes method, and the Response type needs to handle the deserialization of the response itself and return an error if encountered. The first parameter of FromBytes is the current method name, suitable for performing different deserialization procedures for different interfaces.

The Break method is only applicable to pagination queries, i.e., when the method's return value is of a slice type. Pagination queries will use the Break method's return value as the criterion for whether the query objective has been reached. When the Break method returns a true value, the pagination query ends, returning the constructed slice result. Typically, for pagination queries, it is recommended that the Response store the current query progress, such as the number of elements queried and stored, and compare it with the desired number (which can be obtained from the response), and use the comparison result as the return value of the Break method. Starting from v1.10.0, you can implement a SetTotalCount(int) method for Response, and defc will automatically call the SetTotalCount method to pass in the cumulative number of current pagination query results, so that Response can know more clearly when to end the pagination query and call the Break method.

Request Method, URL, Header, and Body

The schema definition in the api method is similar to that of sqlx. Definitions are written in comments in the following format:

// <BODY>

Where <NAME> is the method name; <METHOD> is the HTTP request method (such as GET/POST); <URL> is the request URL; <HEADER> includes the request headers, supporting multiple lines; <BODY> is the request body. It is important to note, similar to an HTTP message, there must be a \r\n separator (i.e., an empty line) between <BODY> and <HEADER>.

The parts <URL>/<HEADER>/<BODY> also support template syntax. Different from the templates in sqlx, in api the return value of the Inner method is also passed as a template parameter, which can be accessed with {{ $.Schema }}, where Schema is the name of the defined schema. In this case, it is Service, which means you can use {{ $.Service }} to access the return value of the Inner method. Additionally, for pagination query interfaces, if you use the --features=api/page parameter, api will provide an additional page function (note that it is a function, not a template parameter). You can use {{ page }} to access the current page count, which starts from 0. Each call to the {{ page }} function will increment the page count. For example, a paginated query method could be defined as:

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=api --output=service.go
type Service interface {
  Inner() *Inner
  Response() *Response
  // GetUsers GET {{ $.Service.Host }}/users?name={{ $.name }}&page={{ page }}
  GetUsers(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*User, error)

If you do not want to construct the HTTP request body via templates in the comments, api also provides another way to pass the body. Specifically, if you do not fill in the body content in the comments (headers can still be included), defc will treat the last parameter of the method as the HTTP request body. Note that if this method is used, the last parameter must be of type io.Reader. Here is an example (rewritten from the previous one):

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=api --output=service.go
type Service interface {
  Inner() *Inner
  Response() *Response
  // CreateUser POST {{ $.Service.Host }}/user
  // Content-Type: application/json
  CreateUser(ctx context.Context, name string, age int, body io.Reader) (*User, error)

Starting from v1.9.6, you can add an optional parameter MANY between <MEHOTD> and <URL> (similar to MANY in sqlx mode), to indicate to defc that the method returns a slice type, which will allow defc to generate pagination code for the method:

type Users []*User

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=api --output=service.go
type Service interface {
  Inner() *Inner
  Response() *Response
  // GetUsers GET MANY {{ $.Service.Host }}/users?name={{ $.name }}&page={{ page }}
  GetUsers(ctx context.Context, name string) (Users, error)

Starting from v1.12.2, for comments of the type /* */, you can now use - to fully write out Headers (and Body), like so:

	- Content-Type: application/json
	- X-Request-Id: {{ RequestID }}
	{{ $.body }}

(The role of the - is to remove the space characters before and after it, including the - itself.)

Starting from v1.13.0, you can add an optional parameter Scan(expr...) between <MEHOTD> and <URL>, similar to a function call, to indicate to defc that a certain parameter from the method's parameters should be added to the ScanValues list (the parameter position is before the return value). A common scenario is when the data type returned by an interface is not in a fixed format, and we are unable to deduce the return type at the schema definition stage, so the final type needs to be passed in through a method parameter (similar to the Scan method in database/sql), as follows:

type Object interface {
  Type() string
  ID() string

//go:generate go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=api --output=service.go
type Service interface {
  Inner() *Inner
  Response() *Response
  // GetObject GET Scan(obj) {{ $.Service.Host }}/api/{{ $.obj.Type }}/{{ $.obj.ID }}
  GetObject(ctx context.Context, obj Object) error

Additional note: From v1.12.0 onwards, you can use a backslash \\ to perform a line break in <URL>, like so:

  GetUser GET ONE
    {{ $.Service.Host }}/user/{{ $.id }}?\


Similar to sqlx, if you wish to log request information, please add the --features=api/log feature and implement the Log interface for the return type of Inner. The definition of the Log interface is as follows:

type Log interface { 
  Log(ctx context.Context, caller string, method string, url string, elapse time.Duration)

Here, the caller parameter refers to the name of the current method, method refers to the request method, url is the URL of the request, and elapse is the time taken for the current request.

Starting from v1.14.0, use --features=api/logx to enable the "enhanced" logging feature. This feature, when enabled, will pass *http.Request/*http.Response to the Log interface call, allowing for more detailed logging of each request and response; the detailed definition of the Log interface is as follows:

type Log interface {
  Log(ctx context.Context, caller string, request *http.Request, response *http.Response, elapse time.Duration)

Using a Custom http.Client

If you want to use a custom http.Client, please add the --features=api/client feature and implement the Client interface for the return value of the Inner method. The definition of the Client interface is as follows:

type Client interface {
  Client() *http.Client

⚠️ Experimental defc generate Command

Starting with v1.2.0, a new defc generate command has been added to generate code from a Schema file. This is an experimental feature. The specific usage is as follows:

go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" generate --mode=sqlx --output=query.go schema.json

The content of schema.json (example) is:

  "package": "main",
  "ident": "Query",
  "imports": [
  "schemas": [
      "meta": "GetUserNames QUERY",
      "header": "SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id` >= ?;",
      "in": [
          "ident": "ctx",
          "type": "context.Context"
          "ident": "id",
          "type": "int64"
      "out": [
          "ident": "names",
          "type": "[]sql.NullString"
          "ident": "err",
          "type": "error"

You can also use this type of (example) .toml Schema file:

package = "main"
ident = "Service"

imports = [

ident = "ResponseOfBaidu"
fields = [
    { ident = "Body", type = "string", tag = "json:\"body\"" },
    { ident = "Javascript", type = "string", tag = "json:\"javascript\"" },

meta = "PostBaidu POST https://baidu.com?t={{ $.timestamp }}"
header = """
Content-Type: application/json

{{ $.message }}

in = [
    { ident = "ctx", type = "context.Context" },
    { ident = "message", type = "string" },
    { ident = "timestamp", type = "int64" },

out = [
    { type = "ResponseOfBaidu" },
    { type = "error" },

The specific format of the Schema is determined by the following types in github.com/x5iu/defc/gen/generate.go:

type (
  Config struct {
    Package  string     `json:"package" toml:"package" yaml:"package"`
    Ident    string     `json:"ident" toml:"ident" yaml:"ident"`
    Features []string   `json:"features" toml:"features" yaml:"features"`
    Imports  []string   `json:"imports" toml:"imports" yaml:"imports"`
    Funcs    []string   `json:"funcs" toml:"funcs" yaml:"funcs"`
    Schemas  []*Schema  `json:"schemas" toml:"schemas" yaml:"schemas"`
    Include  string     `json:"include" toml:"include" yaml:"include"`
    Declare  []*Declare `json:"declare" toml:"declare" yaml:"declare"`

  Schema struct {
    Meta   string   `json:"meta" toml:"meta" yaml:"meta"`
    Header string   `json:"header" toml:"header" yaml:"header"`
    In     []*Param `json:"in" toml:"in" yaml:"in"`
    Out    []*Param `json:"out" toml:"out" yaml:"out"`

  Param struct {
    Ident string `json:"ident" toml:"ident" yaml:"ident"`
    Type  string `json:"type" toml:"type" yaml:"type"`

  Declare struct {
    Ident  string   `json:"ident" toml:"ident" yaml:"ident"`
    Fields []*Field `json:"fields" toml:"fields" yaml:"fields"`

  Field struct {
    Ident string `json:"ident" toml:"ident" yaml:"ident"`
    Type  string `json:"type" toml:"type" yaml:"type"`
    Tag   string `json:"tag" toml:"tag" yaml:"tag"`

The defc generate command works by deserializing the content in the Schema file into gen.Config, and then calling the gen.Generate function to generate the corresponding code. The currently supported Schema formats are json/toml/yaml.

Additionally, you can directly use the gen.Generate function in the code by passing gen.Mode and gen.Config to manually generate code in the corresponding mode without the need for command line and Schema file.

You can also compile github.com/x5iu/defc into a binary file and then use the defc generate command to generate code in the corresponding mode.

Starting from version v1.22.0, defc generate now supports .go files. When using a .go file as input, defc will analyze the file content, automatically determine the type representing the schema, and match the corresponding mode. This means you don't need to specify the corresponding mode using the --mode/-m parameter. You can also ignore the --output parameter, and defc will use the current file's name with a .gen suffix as the generated code file's name. You can generate the corresponding code by simply providing a filename without any flags. If your .go file contains multiple types that meet the criteria, you can also manually specify the type that defc should handle using the --type/-T parameter to avoid generating incorrect code.

In version v1.25.0, we added a new option --template/-t for the sqlx mode, which is used to add uniform template content to all SQL query statements. This is experimental and requires more testing.

Note: Currently, defc generate is only an experimental feature, and the stability of its functions and API is not guaranteed. Documentation is also not yet complete, and users may need to figure out how to use various features themselves (such as the formats of various parameters).

Additional Features (--features) Explanation

sqlx/nort and api/nort

Using the nort feature tells defc not to import the additional github.com/x5iu/defc/__rt package. All auxiliary interfaces, types, and functions will be defined within the generated file; the generated file will contain only the standard library (with the addition of github.com/jmoiron/sqlx in sqlx mode).


The api/cache feature provides caching functionality for interfaces. This feature must be used in conjunction with the Inner method. The return value type of the Inner method must implement the following interface:

type Cache interface {
  GetCache(string, ...any) []any
  SetCache(string, []any, ...any)

In this, the first string parameter of the GetCache method is the caller information, i.e., the name of the current executing method, and the variable-length ...any parameters are the current method's arguments. The return value type of the Inner method must handle the storage of the cache and the mapping relationship between method arguments and the cache; the SetCache method's first string parameter is also the caller information, the second []any parameter are the method's arguments, and the third variable-length ...any parameters are the method's return values (these return values do not include error). The return value type of the Inner method must complete the storage of the cache and the mapping relationship between the method's arguments and the cache.


Using the api/error feature will return a ResponseError when the HTTP response code is not 2xx. The definition of ResponseError is as follows:

type ResponseError interface {
  Status() int
  Body() []byte

The following method can be used to determine if an error occurred at the HTTP layer (and not at the business layer):

if e, ok := err.(__rt.ResponseError); ok {
  status, body := e.Status(), e.Body()
  // error handling

Note: ResponseError will only be returned when the HTTP response code is not 2xx. Errors in other scenarios will not implement the ResponseError interface.


Note: The future feature will be offered as a regular feature in defc v2, containing a series of Breaking Changes.

Firstly, there is a change in the __rt.Response interface. The future feature adds a __rt.FutureResponse interface, which differs from the __rt.Response interface in that it changes the original FromBytes method to the FromResponse method. The new method signature is as follows:

FromResponse(string, *http.Response) error

It replaces the original []byte type with http.Response, aiming to give callers the flexibility to handle responses based on the specific Headers and the type of Body. For example, one could choose to deserialize a Content-Type: application/json response using JSON deserialization to handle the Body; moreover, handling the Body becomes more flexible. Previously, defc would read out all the Body content (in the form of []byte) before processing, but now you can choose a custom method to read the content of the Body, such as json.Decoder. For longer and more extensive content, custom Read methods could be more efficient and consume less memory than reading out all bytes at once.

However, it is important to note that if you use the FromResponse method, you must take responsibility for calling the Close method on http.Response.Body; in other words, you must close the response's Body yourself, as defc will not generate any Body.Close related code for you.

Secondly, since defc no longer reads out the complete Body information in advance, if you use the api/error feature, you will face a problem: the original __rt.ResponseError interface's Body method will not be able to retrieve the Body of the Response, causing this interface to malfunction. To solve this, we have defined a new interface __rt.FutureResponseError with the following definition:

type FutureResponseError interface {
  Response() *http.Response

Instead of returning Status and Body separately, it will return the complete http.Response, giving error handling more freedom (but also more complexity).

It is particularly important to note: If you enable both api/future and api/error features, then the http.Response obtained from the request when the HTTP status code is non-2xx will be wrapped in FutureResponseError (for error handling). This also means that the caller must be responsible for closing http.Response.Body while handling errors. Please be particularly careful with how errors are handled when enabling the aforementioned features, and remember to close http.Response.Body promptly to avoid resource leaks.


Using the sqlx/in feature will result in the following two changes:

  1. The In function implemented by defc will replace the sqlx.In function (which is applied when the NAMED option is enabled, to recalculate placeholders, generate SQL statements, and bind query parameters). Unlike the sqlx.In function, the In function implemented by defc will not only destructure slice-type parameters but also destruct parameters that implement the ToArgs interface. The application scenario here is that when using NAMED queries, if the parameter type is a slice or ToArgs type, defc will recalculate the number of placeholders and bind them with the destructed parameters, which is commonly used for IN queries. For instance, in the example below, a single :ids placeholder is sufficient for an IN query:

    SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` IN (:ids);
  2. For methods where the NAMED option is not enabled, defc's In function will be used to recalculate placeholders, generate SQL, and bind query parameters before SQL execution. This means that users can complete the binding of multiple parameter placeholders without the help of the bindvars function, as illustrated in the following example:

    -- Without enabling the sqlx/in feature
    SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` IN ({{ bindvars $.ids }});
    -- With the sqlx/in feature enabled
    SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` IN (?); -- ? placeholder binding the parameters ids

Note: Please use the sqlx/in feature and the bindvars function (in the template) together with caution. Incorrect use of the bindvars function under the sqlx/in feature can lead to unpredictable consequences. However, since bindvars still has its specific use cases (like quickly generating N placeholders), it is not forcibly disabled under the sqlx/in feature.


Added in defc@v1.17.0 as an experimental feature, the sqlx mode introduces the github.com/x5iu/sqlx package as a replacement for the github.com/jmoiron/sqlx package(starting from defc@v1.28.0, it will be replaced with the github.com/x5iu/defc/sqlx package), providing the following interfaces:

type IRow interface {
  Columns() ([]string, error)
  Scan(...any) error

type FromRow interface {
  FromRow(IRow) error

For structures that implement the FromRow interface, the sqlx.Select/sqlx.Get functions will preferentially use the FromRow method to map the query results into the structure, rather than using sqlx.reflectx (the default mapping method in the original sqlx, which maps database query results through reflection). The FromRow is particularly useful for mapping private fields in structures (the original sqlx only supports mapping data to exportable fields, i.e., Exported Field).

Note, please implement the FromRow interface only for structures.


Added in defc@v1.18.0 as an experimental feature, in the sqlx mode, you can implement the following interface for the return type of methods:

interface {
  Callback(context.Context, Interface) error

For the return values that implement this interface (the Interface in the interface parameters represents the interface for the defc Schema, which is marked and code-generated using go:generate), defc will generate the corresponding callback code. That is, after completing the SQL query defined by the method, it will additionally call the Callback method. Generally, if some fields in your structure need to be mapped from other SQL queries (such as Relations/Edges), using Callback is an excellent choice. You can define the code to query Relations/Edges in the Callback method and map the results to the corresponding fields in the structure.

Note: If your structure has a circular reference (e.g., a field in your structure A is of type B structure, and the B structure contains a field of type A structure), be careful to prevent StackOverflow caused by the circular calling of Callback. A common solution is to add a corresponding call identifier in the Context. When a specific identifier is detected or satisfies certain conditions, terminate the Callback call.

Note 2: The queries within Callback and the main function’s queries by default belong to different transactions. If you want to ensure that Callback and the main function are within the same transaction, please use the WithTx method to start a transaction. After starting the transaction, the queries within Callback and the main function will belong to the same transaction.


Added in defc@v1.19.1 as an experimental feature, it is essentially the same as sqlx/callback, with the difference that the required interface is changed to:

interface {
  //                        👇 note this
  Callback(context.Context, any) error

This alteration signifies a more generalized approach in the callback interface, expanding the potential use cases.

Answers to Common Questions

How to pass multiple values for the --features parameter

To pass multiple features, please use the following method:


About Query and NamedQuery

In SQL queries, defc does not expand ? parameter placeholders into the number of ? placeholders corresponding to the parameters (this process would expand slice parameters) using sqlx.In, because we believe that the relationship between SQL and parameters should be dominated by SQL. The form of SQL should not be determined by the specific number of parameters. Our recommended approach is to dynamically generate ? parameter placeholders using the bindvars function.

Based on the above logic, if you are using a regular query (i.e., a query without NAMED parameters), then you can use a slice as the query parameter. With the bindvars function, you can smoothly expand the query parameters and complete an IN query. However, if you use NAMED for querying, since there is no good way to expand parameters and bindvars cannot be used (because the bindvars function generates question mark ? placeholders), its support for IN queries is not ideal in most scenarios.

Starting from v1.7.0, you can use slice values as query parameters in the NAMED parameter passing method.

About the db Tag in MergeNamedArgs

The reason MergeNamedArgs uses the db tag, as mentioned above, is because the sqlx package uses the tag name db. At the same time, since the definition of the db tag in sqlx is very pure, merely to indicate its mapping to database field names without extra parameters (extra parameters refer to things like the ,omitempty parameter defined in the json tag in the encoding/json package), it is not burdensome to use and matches the database fields, which aligns with our expectations for constructing SQL query statements.

Using types from other packages

Starting from v1.15.4, defc supports automatic import of the required packages through static code analysis, so there is no need to manually use the --import command line parameter to import external packages. However, the --import parameter is still retained, and can still be used when you need to import anonymous packages (such as database drivers), for example:

--import "_ https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"

Note: If your code contains unsafe packages or C packages (commonly used with CGO), you still need to manually import the unsafe/C packages using --import, as defc cannot handle unsafe and C packages.

Note 2: In some special cases (e.g., when there are different build tags in some files and there is a package name conflict), automatic import may not work as expected. In such cases, manually importing the required packages is the best choice. Therefore, defc provides a --disable-auto-import option to disable the automatic import feature. If --disable-auto-import is enabled, you will need to import the required packages yourself using the --import parameter.

Since defc does not implement a fully accurate recognition of types from other packages, if you want to use types from other packages in your Schema, such as the url.URL type, the recommended way is to use a type alias:

type (
  URL = url.URL

From v1.1.0, you can use the --import command line parameter to import additional packages to use the types (or functions) in that package:

go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --import "fmt" --import "gohttp net/http"

The format for the --import parameter can be the package's path, such as strings/fmt/github.com/x5iu/defc, or the package path with an alias, such as gohttp net/http/gofmt fmt.

Adding Additional Functions to the Templates in Schema

Starting from v1.1.0, you can use the --func command line parameter to add additional functions to the SQL or API templates in the Schema, such as json.Marshal or url.QueryEscape:

go run -mod=mod "github.com/x5iu/defc" --mode=sqlx --import "encoding/json" --func "marshal=json.Marshal" --func "toUpper: strings.ToUpper"

The format for the --func parameter is key=value or key: value, where key is the name of the function used in the template, which can also be understood as the key in template.FuncMap, and value is the function to be imported.

About Generic Support

At present, defc's support for generics is not yet perfect and stable. In practice, there have not been many scenarios where the use of generics is necessary. This is also because Go's current restrictions on the use of generics only allow interface generic parameters to be defined at the outermost layer of the interface, rather than allowing generic parameters to be defined for individual methods within the interface (but Rust can).

Therefore, we will consider improving defc's support for generics when Go supports defining generic parameters for interface methods separately.

Why Not Generate Global Reusable Prepare Statements to Improve SQL Query Efficiency

On the surface, there are many bizarre reasons, such as:

  1. Template statements and multi-statements are not applicable;

  2. Prepare Statement can cause multiple TCP connections (Prepare, Exec/Query, Close), while direct Exec/Query can, in most cases, complete a query in one TCP connection (depending on whether the Driver has implemented Queryer/QueryerContext), see database/sql/driver/driver.go:204;

    If a Conn implements neither QueryerContext nor Queryer, the sql package's DB.Query will first prepare a query, execute the statement, and then close the statement.

  3. Each Stmt occupies a Conn, and in concurrent situations, it can cause a large number of Conn creations and switches, and even lead to resource leaks;

  4. The official recommendation is that Stmt should be a local variable rather than a global variable.

The deeper reasons lie in the fact that for Stmt, there are many situations that will trigger RePrepare (RePrepare refers to the behavior where the Stmt needs to be submitted to the database server again for Prepare request when the Stmt is closed, the Conn has become invalid, or it is executed across transactions). For example:

If the statement has been closed or already belongs to a transaction, we can't reuse it in this connection. Since tx.StmtContext should never need to be called with a Stmt already belonging to tx, we ignore this edge case and re-prepare the statement in this case. No need to add code-complexity for this.

Even with global Stmts, since they are bound to Conns, switching Conns will trigger RePrepare. In concurrent situations, switching Conns is very common, not to mention that every time a transaction is started, a new Conn is obtained (and whether this Conn has cached the Stmt is still unknown). This leads to the situation where even if global Stmts are used,