This project is an attempt at getting a script that could be visiting a site on my behalf at a specific time each day.

Ruby version

Ruby 2.2.1

System dependencies
  • Nokogiri
  • phantomJs brew install phantomjs on macOS

clone project, run bundle install, (dont forget to install figaro after this: bundle exec figaro install and populate application.yml with environmental data) no need to run any migrations as there is no database...

How to run the test suite

As at now, there is no test yet #shy_to_admit

Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

Using Whenever to run schedueled jobs

Also Using Mailers for sending success emails.

Deployment instructions

you can always create a new branch to make additions/subtractions/modifications and then send out a pull request. It will be attended to. :)

Thanks for reading.