
autoedit and friends WIP

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The audio tooling playground within the sensorimotor primitives (smp) family of packages [1]. They come out of a sensorimotor approach to learning and development on robots.

Auditory perception is an extremely important modality that has not seen the attention it deserves in robotics. There is a large overlap in modeling robot perception and computer music processes. smp_audio is a collection of batch algorithms for audio processing tasks based on techniques pulled from MIR and machine listening.

This is research code and was created on a functional proofing mindset bent to radically rapid prototyping. Processing flows are modeled graphically where nodes comprise function calls on impinging data. There exist several versions of the graphical language strewn across different smp projects with different levels of language rigor. Still WIP, but hey.

This means we are using third party libraries without limit in the project, which is easy working from within a well used Python environment [2]. smp_audio is wrapping around a number of established audio processing libraries: aubio, essentia, librosa, pyAudioAnalysis, madmom, and a few more specialized ones. These are all well maintained and generally easy to install.

The `smp_audio` directory contains the wrapping code and glue to provide the underlying API to the processing flows defined in the files in the `scripts` directory.


Part one of the dependency pile is just the usual Python scientific computing stack and can usually be installed as distribution packages.

On Linux / Ubuntu

sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-pandas python3-sklearn

or just using pip

sudo pip3 install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas sklearn

Part two is the audio and MIR specific packages, which I install using pip directly

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt essentia librosa madmom aubio pyAudioAnalysis

On Mac OSX

Install essentia with their homebrew formula https://github.com/MTG/homebrew-essentia, https://essentia.upf.edu/documentation/installing.html

Then followed by

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt librosa madmon aubio pyAudioAnalysis

To finish, add the module path to your PYTHONPATH by running

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/cloned/smp_audio:$PYTHONPATH

In case you come back to using the package, the export line above can be added to your login profile (~/.bashrc or similar).

Quick start

The most interesting modes are autoedit and automix, two variations of a similar task. Autoedit is designed as a tool for session-based production styles. It takes a stereo recording of a session on the input, computes a beat aligned segmentation into different parts, and assembles these parts into an edit. It is run as

python3 scripts/automain.py autoedit --filenames /path/to/single/file.wav

Automaster is run with

python3 scripts/automain.py automaster --bitdepth 16 \
--filenames /file/that/should/be/mastered.wav \
--references /file/to/use/as/reference.wav

Calling the script with `–help` argument prints the parameters with docstring and default values

python3 scripts/automain --help

The most important parameter is the approximate number of segments given by `–numsegs N`. More segments in total make individual segments shorter, making the edit more dynamic at the risk of being jumpy at a sub-bar resolution. There's no limit to file sizes, durations etc in principle but large files will exhaust your memory at some point. Can be improved later.

The automix mode also compiles a set of audio segments into a single large file. While autoedit works at track level durations of order < 10 minutes, automix does so at mix level ones of order 1 hour.

python3 audio_sort_features.py --mode automix --sorter extractor_lowlevel.spectral_complexity.mean --filenames /path/to/textfile_one_wavfile_path_per_line.txt

Current assembly modes are primitive at best, autoedit uses random and sequential segment order so far. With automix the segments are sorted by particular feature value, which can be selected with the `–sorter` argument.

TODO: Consolidation of randomly disparate functionality is work-in-progress.


The scripts folder contains several workflows. Those that work are the in audio_sort_features.py file that you can run and which has a help to tell you how to call it.

autoedit (beat-tracking and segmentation based automatic editing and arrangement to duration of choice from raw audio session that is shorter or longer than output duration).

autofeatures, load file and return a set of features computed for this file.

autocover, get autofeatures and map the feature values to an image generation process to create a hi-res square graphics file that can be used as a cover image for music on the internet, or whatever.

automaster, is wrapping the grandiose matchering library. matchering transforms your target file according to the mastering signature extracted from the reference file.

WIP autovoice

WIP automix (quantitative measure based playlist sequencing)

slicing audio

Depending on your resources, it is often convenient to split very long files into shorter parts of maybe an hour length.

sox command line w/ silence plugin

sox -V3 audiofile.wav audiofile_part_.wav silence -l  0 1 2.0 0.1%

aubio quiet

analyze audio and print the onset timestamps of silence and noise parts

aubio quiet filename.wav

aubio cut

aubiocut analyzes audio for different onset functions and can optionally cut the file at each onset and save into a separate file each.

downloading audio

youtube-dl, versatile youtube downloader, one of the best and nicest computer programs in the world.

ffmpeg, another indispensable and super versatile tool for working with audio, media, streams, and containers. it can do everything.

soundscrape, soundcloud and bandcamp downloader, similar to youtube-dl but more narrow in scope and maybe less well maintained recently [3]

sudo pip3 install SoundScrape


2021-01-08 refactor api

refactoring for api integration

python3 home/src/QK/smp_audio/scripts/audio_sort_features.py automaster –bitdepth 24 –filenames data/GuitarRiff2_50bpm-autoedit-10.wav –references ..../../nextcloud/gt/work/automaster/refs/rae-sremmurd-notype.wav

TODO thumbnailing

provided by pyAudioAnalysis, running

python3 audioAnalysis.py thumbnail --input /path/to/file.wav

produces a thumbnail image and two thumbnail wav snippets in /path/to/file_thumbnail*

TODO stream processing

switch the entire internal data flow to stream based processing and implement batch versions as a separate option.


Using dict of functions and joblib.Memory to cache all compute intensive funtions. This is done at the calling level.

Librosa has its own caching mechanism, which is used in the librosa specific code.

$ export LIBROSA_CACHE_DIR=/tmp/librosa_cache
$ ipython
import os
os.environ['LIBROSA_CACHE_DIR'] = '/tmp/librosa_cache'
import librosa

python3 scripts/aubio_cut.py –mode scan –quiet –bufsize 2048 –hopsize 256 /home/lib/audio/work/tsx_recur_5/sco-base.wav


  1. citation needed

  2. The price is that it's a pain to install. My strategy is to not install all the requirements but run the script i want to run, and fix out the issues one by one until free.

  3. https://github.com/Miserlou/SoundScrape