
Source code and data for "Fusing Skips and Attention: A Novel Architecture for Session-Based Music Recommendation Using Contextual RNNs". Inspired by the STABR and GRU4REC architectures.

Primary LanguagePython

Exploring Skips in Session-based Music Recommendation

In order to get started, run pip install -r requirements.txt.

We have tested on Ubuntu 18.04 (x86_64 Linux 4.15.0-88-generic), Windows 10, and macOS Catalina. GPU container images (tested with 20.03-tf2-py3) available at: https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/frameworks/support-matrix/index.html

In order to train a model, run python3 main.py train model-name.

In order to evaluate a trained model, run python3 main.py eval epoch-number model-name.

epoch-number should be an int. Note that a model must train for at least one epoch before being able to be evaluated.

Valid options for model-name model-name are:

  • lastfm-stabr
  • lastfm-sabr
  • lastfm-skip
  • lastfm-hist
  • lastfm-hist-aslm
  • 30music-stabr
  • 30music-sabr
  • 30music-skip
  • 30music-hist
  • 30music-hist-aslm

In order to run SKNN, cd into solutions/SKNN and run python3 sknn.py train for training, and python3 sknn.py eval for evaluation. In order to run the SKNN-SKIPS variant, replace sknn.py with sknn_skip.py. This version is for the Lastfm-1K dataset only.