Installing Expo on Windows


The best way to install expo on windows is by first installing WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

  1. Let's start by opening Microsoft Store and search wsl. 2.png

  2. The first result will allow us to select Ubuntu. 3.png 4.png

  3. Proceed to install it and launch it. 5.png

  4. On launch it will open this website: 6.png

  5. Following the instructions we need to run Windows PowerShell as administrator 7.png

  6. Run the command on the instructions will ask to reboot: write Y 8.png 9.png

  7. We successfully installed WSL, on first open it will create the user and password for your Linux account. 10.png 11.png 13.png


To use node on our machine we will use nvm this will allow us to maintain different versions of node if needed.

  1. The best way to install it is by using the following command:

     curl -o- | bash


  2. We'll have to restart our Ubuntu shell to use nvm.


  3. To install node we simply run the command

     nvm install node


Finally installing expo-cli

Using our installed version of Node we can now install expo.

    npm install -g expo-cli

18.png 19.png

Verifying and using with Visual Studio Code

20.png 21.png 26.png

  • The first time we open Visual Studio Code it will ask to install an extension to use with WSL

24.png 27.png 28.png 22.png 23.png