
A c++ wrapper for OpenNI.

Primary LanguageC

Block OpenNI
A C++ wrapper for OpenNI

This block is going through heavy remake and so old code/methods are mixed with new methods for the moment.
I will be changing the way things are handled at the moment when i'm finished. All for better support on multiple devices.

Basic description

Support for several generators as Image, IR, Depth and User.
Skeleton tracking is also supported.

How to use

You need to install the sensor drivers, OpenNI and NITE.
Note! PrimeSense drivers do not work with the Kinect. 

So here's a step-by-step installationg guide:
(The links you'll find here are the latest unstable at the time of writing)

Windows 32bit:

Download/Install OpenNI:

Download/Install Avin2's SensorKinect:

Download/Install NITE:

At this moment you should now be able to run the samples in OpenNI. 
Go to OpenNI's folder and browse to /Samples/Bin/Release. 
Run NiViewer.exe. You should now be looking at a window with the RGB and Depth feed coming from the kinect

MacOSX 32bit:

1) Download/Install MacPorts
	(Snow Leopard 10.6) https://distfiles.macports.org/MacPorts/MacPorts-2.0.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg
	(Lion 10.7) https://distfiles.macports.org/MacPorts/MacPorts-2.0.0-10.7-Lion.dmg

2) Open the terminal, install libtool/libusb.
	2.1) Type and run: sudo port install libtool
	2.2) Type and run: sudo port install libusb-devel +universal

3) Download/Untar OpenNI
	3.1) Open the terminal, goto openni's folder you just untar'ed.
	3.2) Type and run: sudo ./install.sh

4) Download Avin2's SensorKinect
	4.1) Open the terminal, goto SensorKinect's folder you just untar'ed.
	4.2) Type and run: sudo ./install.sh

5) Download NITE
	4.1) Open the terminal, goto NITE's folder you just untar'ed.
	4.2) Type and run: sudo ./install.sh

At this moment you should now be able to run the samples in OpenNI. 
Go to OpenNI's folder and browse to /Samples/Bin/Release (use terminal). 
Run ./NiViewer. You should now be looking at a window with the RGB and Depth feed coming from the kinect

	Check Avin2's SensorKinect repo (@github) for more information.