
Wine fakelib to translate sixense dll calls into native .so to add support for Razer Hydra controllers in wine apps.

How to compile and install

You need:

  • wine
  • GNU Make
  • Sixense SDK and libraries (, installed in systemd-wide, i.e. where your libraries and headers usually lying. If not, you need somehow add them in searching parameters.


  1. Type make to compile 32-bit library ( or make -f Makefile-x64 to compile 64-bit library ( If you build for both architectures simultaneously, don't forget to clean up before, or building might fail (different architecture .o and such).
  2. Rename or remove sixense(_x64).dll near the target exe.
  3. Copy compiled .so to exe dir. Remove .so in name by renaming.
  4. Cross fingers and hope it works.


Tested with sample 3d app supplied with Sixense SDK. I didn't wrap sixense_utils.dll as I don't think it needs to. Create an issue to let me know if it required.
