This library is a CUDA implementation of lock-free linked list Harris, T. (2001), A Pragmatic Implementation of Non-Blocking Linked Lists
Note: head is defined on device, inaccessible from the host. The APIs are global kernel functions.
__global__ void listInit()
Initialize a linked list, create a head node, with node->data equal to -1 and node->next pointing to tail, and a tail node, with node->data equal to -1 and node->next pointing to NULL.
__global__ void addFront(int val)
Create a node with the given value and add it after the head node.
__global__ void addFront(int *arr, int N)
Create a sequence of nodes and add the after head node sequentially.
__global__ void listPrint()
Print the linked list from head to tail, and print the number of nodes.
__global__ void listPrintLen()
Print the list length.
__global__ void listPrintRaw()
Print all nodes in the list, including those marked as deleted logically but not deleted physically yet.
__global__ void listSearchOne(int val, struct node **p)
It is a wrapper of __device__ struct node *listSearch(int val)
. Search the node with the given value and return.
__global__ void listTraverse()
It is a wrapper of __device__ void listTraverseDel()
. Traverse the linked list and delete all the marked nodes physically (modify the pointers pointing to them).
__global__ void listInsert(int *ops, int *insertVals, int *insertPrevs, int N)
Operate insertions in parallel.
__global__ void listRemove(int *ops, int *Vals, int N)
Operate deletions in parallel. Remove the nodes logically, marking them as deleted.
Compile gpu version:
nvcc -o gpull
Run gpu version on test data:
Run the gpu version demo:
./gpull demo
Compile cpu version:
g++ -o cpull cpuLL.cpp
Run cpu version on test data:
Generate test data:
python3 -n1 <number of list nodes> -n2 <number of operations>
Ensureing all nodes have different values as keys. The generated data will be saved to the directory data/
Data format:
: including initial linked list node values
5 // The number of nodes
5 // The node value
: including operations to be conducted in parallel
3 // The number of operations
1 2 6 // <insert> <target node value> <insert value>
0 1 // <remove> <target node value>
1 3 8