
Art website

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This project is a portfolio for Liris and follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. It showcases her drawings, videos, and covers all in one place.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend & Backend:

    • The frontend is located in src/views.
    • Canvas was employed to render pixel art drawings interactively.
    • Integration with Google Cloud to display videos hosted on YouTube.
    • JavaScript was used to create interactivity and dynamism on the pages.
    • Node.js with Express was used to develop the backend server.
    • MySQL was the chosen database to store and manage the website's data.
    • API endpoints: /drawings to access the drawings and /ping to test the server connection.
  • phpMyAdmin:

    • phpMyAdmin interface to manage the MySQL database.

Local Setup and Execution

git clone https://github.com/xDaswx/liris-art.art.git
cd liris-art
npm i
npm run start